[OSGeo-Discuss] [Board-fr] Free GIS Day November 6, 2014 OSGéo - IGEAT (ULB) ­ Brussels (Belgium)

Dirk Frigne dirk.frigne at geosparc.com
Wed Sep 3 00:31:39 PDT 2014

OSGeoBrussels seems a very good name for your event. Maybe even more
appropriate then Foss4G in this stage.

As an FOSS4G conference is normally first announced, and then a call for
papers is organized, which is evaluated by a organizational comity.
OSGeoBrussels could be a good name to get an insight in the community in
and around Brussels.

I suggest we organize in 2015 a FOSS4G_BE together (French and Dutch
speeking communities.
We can involve OSGeo.fr and OSGeo.nl in this event and work on a
stronger local community in the Belgium area.

We are working on a proposal to have a devroom on FOSDEM2015. This good
be a good place to discuss the organisation of the FOSS4G_BE 2015 event.

I think we could announce both initiatives on the general assemble in
Portland next week, so OSGeo knows about the local initiatives.

Best Regards

On 02-09-14 14:36, Maelle Vercauteren wrote:
> Thank you for our comment.
> This conference is part of an ARES-CCD (French speaking academic
> cooperation, former national CUD) training about GIS: we host 15
> trainees from French speaking African countries. Unfortunately they
> are not bilingual.
> Nevertheless, flemish actors are also involved in our project: GIM
> (Geographic Information Management- Heverlee) will present their work.
> We also contacted AGIV for presenting INSPIRE issues a few weeks ago
> but we didn't get any answer. Please let us know if have other
> contacts in AGIV for presenting this topic. Indeed, our aim is to have
> public actors from the three Belgian regions.
> However, if it better sounds to you, we could use the name
> “OSGEOBrussels”.
> Regards,
> Maë//e
> 2014-09-02 12:10 GMT+02:00 Dirk Frigne <dirk.frigne at geosparc.com
> <mailto:dirk.frigne at geosparc.com>>:
>     Hi Barend,
>     I already replied to the mail yesterday [1]
>     As we live in a country with multiple languages spoken, I don't see a
>     problem with that.
>     Of course, when we want to organise a Dutch speaking event for
>     Foss4G-Be
>     in the future, I expect we also can use the doamin name for that
>     event.
>     But last year, for OSGeoGenth [2], we also organized the event in
>     English, with as a result we had French speaking, English speaking,
>     Spanish speaking, German speaking and of course, the majority, Dutch
>     speaking attendees.
>     It was the geomajas community who provided the infrastructure for the
>     website and the agenda. [3]
>     Regards,
>     D.
>     [1]
>     http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-September/013524.html
>     [2] http://www.geomajas.org/osgeogent2013
>     [3] http://www/geomajas.org
>     On 02-09-14 00:40, b.j.kobben at utwente.nl
>     <mailto:b.j.kobben at utwente.nl> wrote:
>     > Nasty question from a Dutch (Netherlands) member of OSGEO.nl:
>     Have you
>     > consulted the Flemish OSGEO community about claiming the .be
>     (=Belgium)
>     > suffix for a French/Wallonic speaking event...?
>     >
>     > Sorry, but I feel it has to be asked...
>     >
>     > Barend
>     >
>     > --
>     > Barend Köbben
>     > Senior Lecturer ­ ITC-University of Twente
>     > PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede (Netherlands)
>     > @barendkobben
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > On 01-09-2014 17:16, "Vincent Picavet" <vincent.ml at oslandia.com
>     <mailto:vincent.ml at oslandia.com>> wrote:
>     >
>     >> Hello all,
>     >>
>     >> As far as OSGeo-fr is concerned, we have been consulted and are
>     happy to
>     >> see
>     >> that event taking shape. We will support the event as much as
>     we can.
>     >>
>     >> Vincent
>     >>
>     >> Le lundi 1 septembre 2014 17:57:58, Maelle Vercauteren a écrit :
>     >>> Dear,
>     >>>
>     >>> I am contacting you about the potential use of the name
>     ³FOSS4G-Be² and
>     >>> about the participation of OSGeo-fr for a future freeGIS day
>     in Belgium
>     >>> (Website and Event):
>     >>>
>     >>> We want to organize a French OSGeo event (the so called
>     FOSS4G-Be) in
>     >>> early
>     >>> November 2014, in relation with the GIS courses and
>     masterclass held at
>     >>> the
>     >>> Université Libre de Bruxelles, IGEAT research Unit:
>     >>> It will be a one day event. There will be a selection of plenary
>     >>> communication related to free SIG use in public or private
>     environment
>     >>> and
>     >>> 2 or 3 practical workshops.
>     >>>
>     >>> This event will cover the following 3 topics:
>     >>>
>     >>> 1) FOSS4G tools/software: Establishment/creation or storage of
>     >>> infrastructure and web sharing of spatial data
>     >>> 2) Data & Services: Presentation on the freely available data and
>     >>> services
>     >>> 3) Applications: use of Open GIS (also with guest speakers
>     from the
>     >>> South)
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>> Would you be willing to support us and work together on this
>     project and
>     >>> could we use the name ³FOSS4G-Be²?
>     >>>
>     >>> Could the event be co-organized by the ULB and OSGeo-fr?
>     >>> If so, it would be nice to have an OSGeo-fr stand with a
>     representative
>     >>> of
>     >>> the association and of its activities (as well as a plenary
>     >>> presentation if
>     >>> you are interested in).
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>> Feel free to contact me if you have questions or if you would
>     like to
>     >>> share
>     >>> your suggestions.
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>> Thank you in advance for your reply,
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>> Kind regards,
>     >>> Maë//e
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>     --
>     Yours sincerely,
>     ir. Dirk Frigne
>     CEO
>     Geosparc n.v.
>     Brugsesteenweg 587
>     B-9030 Ghent
>     Tel: +32 9 236 60 18 <tel:%2B32%209%20236%2060%2018>
>     GSM: +32 495 508 799 <tel:%2B32%20495%20508%20799>
>     http://www.geomajas.org
>     http://www.geosparc.com
>     _______________________________________________
>     Discuss mailing list
>     Discuss at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Discuss at lists.osgeo.org>
>     http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> -- 
> Coordinatrice du stage SIG Libres CUD
> Université Libre de Bruxelles - 
IGEAT (CP 130 / 03)

> Av. F. D. Roosevelt, 50
> B-1050 Bruxelles
> Tél.: 02/650.68.14 Fax: 02/650.50.92 Local: DB6.143

Yours sincerely,

ir. Dirk Frigne

Geosparc n.v.
Brugsesteenweg 587
B-9030 Ghent
Tel: +32 9 236 60 18 
GSM: +32 495 508 799


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