[OSGeo-Discuss] agm thoutghts

Peter Baumann p.baumann at jacobs-university.de
Fri Sep 12 04:06:32 PDT 2014

+1, very much in favor! Each single iteration of exchange typically takes 4 
months while little seems left (if at all), so we're enthusiastic about this idea.

On 09/12/2014 02:52 AM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:
> Hi,
> some thoughts, from AGM, to work on
> Jody Garnett:
>           Incubation sprint, to pass projects through incubation
> process. Most projects are several days from passing.
> Twitter report:
>         https://twitter.com/sevenspatial
> Wiki:
>            http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Annual_General_Meeting_2014
> Jachym - secretary

Dr. Peter Baumann
  - Professor of Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen
    mail: p.baumann at jacobs-university.de
    tel: +49-421-200-3178, fax: +49-421-200-493178
  - Executive Director, rasdaman GmbH Bremen (HRB 26793)
    www.rasdaman.com, mail: baumann at rasdaman.com
    tel: 0800-rasdaman, fax: 0800-rasdafax, mobile: +49-173-5837882
"Si forte in alienas manus oberraverit hec peregrina epistola incertis ventis dimissa, sed Deo commendata, precamur ut ei reddatur cui soli destinata, nec preripiat quisquam non sibi parata." (mail disclaimer, AD 1083)

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