[OSGeo-Discuss] Southeast US OSGEO Chapter

Randal Hale rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
Sat Apr 11 08:26:40 PDT 2015

Good Morning (or afternoon),

A group of us Between Atlanta Georgia, Raleigh North Carolina, and 
assorted areas of Tennessee are attempting the formation of an Southeast 
US OSGEO Chapter/Group. So we invite any "locals" in those three states 
or adjoining states to join us and see what we can put together. The 
area is very active from a geospatial perspective with state URISA 
Chapters, Surveying groups, ESRI User groups, etc. Except no groups that 
advocate the use of Open Source GIS - So we want to change that.

I have no idea how the group will grow or what will happen - but there 
is enough interest to make a push to get a chapter (or chapters) going. 
I'm asking people to list themselves under the membership section of: 
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Southeast_US so that I can start to get a 
handle on how many people want to be part of this (or email me). With 
enough interest I hope to get an email listserv going.

Anyway - I look forward to this adventure and seeing what shape this takes,


Randal Hale
North River Geographic Systems, Inc
423.653.3611 rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
twitter:rjhale     http://about.me/rjhale

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