[OSGeo-Discuss] Open source / open data related to addressing/geocoding

Wladimir Szczerban bolosig at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 11:26:49 PDT 2015

This is not traditional addressing/geocoding, but serves to locate places


2015-04-21 17:54 GMT+02:00 Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) <
bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us>:

> Serena,
> You should definite mention US National Grid (or from the World
> Perspective, I think Universal Grid is the pertinent label).
> It has already been demonstrated to work very well as an addressing method.
> You can find more info at these links:
> http://usngcenter.org/
> http://www.usngstore.com/
> bobb
> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:
> discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Serena Coetzee
> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 3:10 AM
> To: ICA-OSGeo Lab Network; discuss at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open source / open data related to
> addressing/geocoding
> Dear all,
> on Thursday this week, I am presenting about open source and open data to
> the Addressing Group of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), a UN organization
> with 192 member countries [1]. If you know about interesting open source
> software or open data related to addressing and/or geocoding, let me know.
> Anything that I receive by Wednesday evening, I could include in the
> presentation.
> [1] www.upu.int
> Regards,
> --
> Serena Coetzee
> Geography Building 3-5
> Centre for Geoinformation Science, Department Geography, Geoinformatics
> and Meteorology, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Hatfield, 0028,
> South Africa
> email: serena.coetzee at up.ac.za Web: www.up.ac.za/cgis
> Mobile: +27 82 464 4294 * Tel: +27 12 420 3823 * Fax: +27 12 420 6385
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