[OSGeo-Discuss] We won. It's time for OSGeo 2.0.

Michael Gerlek mpg at flaxen.com
Sat Aug 1 09:03:48 PDT 2015

Mostly positive -- maybe a little wistful, but not intended to be negative.

I still see areas where OSGeo does (or could) add value, but I think the ideas of becoming a professional society or requiring people to pay dues are premature at best, until we can define what OSGeo’s charter and activities will be for the coming couple years.

If nothing else, Vasile’s survey is prompting people to think about this issues, and that’s what’s most important.


> On Aug 1, 2015, at 2:44 AM, Andrea Giacomelli <pibinko at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael - 
> 1) Without knowing you in person, I can't say if your message is to be intended as with a "positive" tone, or with a bitter-sweet and slightly ironic tone ;)
> Whichever way, I agree that any organization (starting even from small groups) periodically needs to stop and consider if its current state is in line with the external and internal conditions and -if not- try and understand if some form of change should be applied.
> 2) the other consideration I appreciated is the one from  Even Rouault: it is true that, as Joni Mitchell used to sing
> "Don't it always seem to go / That you don't know what you've got / ‘Til it's gone" (Big Yellow Taxi)
> ...a simple test would be for OSGEO activists (I mean guys who donate at least half a day per week  of personal time -not paid time- to this) go on a "sabbatical leave" for, say, six months.
> then we see what happens ;)
> best regards from Italy.
> Andrea Giacomelli
> http://www.pibinko.org <http://www.pibinko.org/>
> 2015-07-31 19:49 GMT+02:00 Michael Gerlek <mpg at flaxen.com <mailto:mpg at flaxen.com>>:
> I've stayed out of the pre-survey discussions on charter membership and whatnot, but after taking the survey yesterday, I’m starting to think that
>         OSGeo has accomplished what it set out to do some years ago, and as currently construed OSGeo will no longer serve a useful purpose.
> ...
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