[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G Seoul team will help you promote your FOSS4G events

Sanghee Shin shshin at gaia3d.com
Thu Feb 26 02:58:05 PST 2015

Hi Frank, 

We've put your FOSSGIS event to the main website, Facebook and twitter. Hope you and attendants have wonderful FOSSGIS conference there at Münster. 

And FOSS4G Seoul team already posted promotional stickers & postcards to your team. Your team should receive those in time. 

Best regards, 

Sanghee Shin, Chair of FOSS4G 2015 Seoul 
"Toward Diversity! FOSS4G Bigbang from Seoul!"
Twitter: @foss4g
Facebook: FOSS4G2015
email: foss4gchair at osgeo.org

> 2015. 2. 26., 오전 10:07, Frank Gasdorf <fgdrf at users.sourceforge.net> 작성:
> Thanks for this opportunity!
> It would be great if FOSSGIS can be listed as well. FOSSGIS is the German FOSS4G Chapter and its conference is taking place next months, 11th-13th of March
> For details have a look http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2015/ <http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2015/>
> For details please contact organization team via mail info at fossgis.de <mailto:info at fossgis.de>
> - Frank
> 2015-02-26 0:34 GMT+01:00 Sanghee Shin <shshin at gaia3d.com <mailto:shshin at gaia3d.com>>:
> Dear all,
> If you want to promote your open source geospatial event globally, please let us[1] know.
> Seoul team will promote your events through our website[2], Facebook and Twitter. Our website and social networks has many visitors and followers.
> Actually I’m not sure whether we could put all the events there. However we’ll try to be more inclusive.
> Best regards,
> Sanghee
> [1]email: foss4g2015-info at osgeo.org <mailto:foss4g2015-info at osgeo.org>
> [2]http://2015.foss4g.org/related-eventsites/ <http://2015.foss4g.org/related-eventsites/>
> ---
> Sanghee Shin, Chair of FOSS4G 2015 Seoul
> "Toward Diversity! FOSS4G Bigbang from Seoul!"
> http://2015.foss4g.org <http://2015.foss4g.org/>
> Twitter: @foss4g
> Facebook: FOSS4G2015
> email: foss4gchair at osgeo.org <mailto:foss4gchair at osgeo.org>
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