[OSGeo-Discuss] Google Summer of Code 2015

Cristiano Giovando cristiano.giovando at hotosm.org
Mon Feb 9 16:23:26 PST 2015


We, at the Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT) [1] just started the
organization application for Google Summer of Code 2015. Considering
that some project ideas may be of interest to both OSGeo and HOT, we
were wondering if you are planning to participate in GSoC this year
and if you would like to coordinate on some projects?

Here are some topics for developing ideas:

- open source geospatial plugins for humanitarian response
- development of Open Aerial Map [2]
- spatial ETL, improvements to export tools [3]
- mapping coordination platforms [4]
- humanitarian/OSM version of OSGeo Live
- map rendering based on the Humanitarian Data Model
- mobile field mapping applications

Please let us know if you are interested!



[1] http://hot.openstreetmap.org
[2] https://github.com/hotosm/OpenAerialMap
[3] http://export.hotosm.org
[4] http://tasks.hotosm.org

Cristiano Giovando
Technical Project Manager
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
cristiano.giovando at hotosm.org

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