[OSGeo-Discuss] "Geo for All - Open Education Award 2015" - Nominations till 28th Feb 2015

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Feb 16 17:49:48 PST 2015


Open Education Week (9-13 March 2015) is an annual opportunity to raise awareness about open education and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide. Open education encompasses resources, tools and practices that employ a framework of open sharing to improve educational access and effectiveness. Participation in all events and use of all resources are free and open to everyone.Details at http://www.openeducationweek.org/

Geo for All http://www.geoforall.org , will be strongly supporting and participating in the Open Education Week 2015 and build synergies with the training events, workshops, webinars etc planned.

We are pleased to welcome nominations for "Geo for All - Open Education Award 2015". This is an opportunity for us to thank our colleagues for the greatest contributions to Open Education principles in the Geo domain. We greatly welcome nominations for educators who have created GIS courses from different languages and regions in developing and developed world. The nominator can send the summary details in English along with the nomination which will help the committee members to understand its impact.

We aim to announce the winner of the award during the Open Education Week 2015 and the winner will be awarded at the FOSS4G 2015- Europe "Open Innovation for Europe" conference at Como, Italy . Details at http://europe.foss4g.org/2015/ The winner will also be receiving a crystal momento from NASA ( see at http://eurochallenge.como.polimi.it/ ) titled "Geo for All Educator of the year". We are grateful to Patrick Hogan (NASA) for this and also the excellent idea of this competition.

We will welcome nominations from everyone. Students, Colleagues or wider public can nominate any educator who they believe has contributed to Open Education in Geo domain .Anyone except those in Award Committee listed at  at http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Geoforall_educatoroftheyear 
are eligible for the award. Award Committee members are welcome to nominate any others work they know that deserve nomination though all members of the Award Committee themselves are not eligible .

Especially this is a great opportunity for students to nominate their Teachers and Educators for their great service to Open Education Principles building upon open software, open data, open standards, open educational resources etc for the benefit of the wider humanity. It can be short (Summer Schools, Trainer programs etc ) or long (full semester) courses both online and class based. Please feel free to pass this call to your students and colleagues.

Anyone who wish to nominate should send the details by email to Professor Charlie Schweik - Committee Chair [email - cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu ] with the subject header - "Nomination for Geo for All - Open Education Award 2015". 

This should include the Course leader details with the url to the course details (or attachment with the course details). Ideally if there is website for the program it will be helpful. Please follow this template for nomination. (Thanks to Antoni PĂ©rez Navarro for this)

*  Course Title in English
*  Language
*  Original title
*  Credits/Hours
*  Number of editions
*  Type: Virtual, face-to-face, blended
*  Target (professionals, technical students, primary school level, secondary school level, university level ,embedded in a wider program, etc.)
*  Average number of students per edition
*  Goal (maximum 150 words): what is the goal of this course in its socio-economical context and why the course was created?
*  Contents
*  Links to course, materials, contents, etc.
*  License type

All applications should be received by 28th Feb 2015 before 12:00 GMT to be considered for this award.

So please send your nominations to honour and recognise the educators who made it possible and will be an inspiration to others to build upon for future years. It will also acknowledge their excellent contributions to open knowledge and being good global citizens by helping spread the benefits of education to all. Central to "Geo for All" mission is the belief that knowledge is a public good and Open Principles in Education will provide great opportunities for everyone.

Best wishes,


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