[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo's spending budget for 2015

K S Rajan rajan at iiit.ac.in
Sun Jan 18 22:29:52 PST 2015

Jeff, All,

Well, we have been making and distributing OSGeo Live-USB drives in a few events over the last few years, in addition to LiveDVDs and have not faced any major issues. Sometimes also modified it by dropping/adding some tools or sample data. So, if USBs are centrally produced, tweaking it for the specific workshop or so may be an issue for us in addition to the cost factor.

FYI, on the cost side, a 8GB pen drive (with  OSGeo label on it) costs us around US$5-7 or less depending on volume.


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeff McKenna" <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>
> To: "discuss" <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>
> Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 1:00:08 AM
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo's spending budget for 2015

> Hi Angelos,
> Yes this is a great plan (I spoke with BrianH about this idea a few
> months ago also).
> For those unaware, individuals (often local chapter reps) order USB
> drives from local distributors, and there are many many problems at
> FOSS4G events with incorrect formatting of drives, wrong OSGeoLive
> version, etc etc.  Angelos and Brian are proposing that we use one
> distributor and they handle creating the drives and ship them for all
> events.
> +1    !!!!!!
> Can you all come up with cost estimates and let us know?
> -jeff
> On 2015-01-18 3:29 PM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> After the problem we faced in 2014 creating working OSGeoLive USB drives
>> for FOSS4G, I propose that we should produce Live USBs massively this
>> year, and send to 2015 events according to estimated demand.
>> Thoughts?
>> Best,
>> Angelos
>> On 01/18/2015 09:02 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>>> Hello community!
>>> It's important that we now come up with a budget for the OSGeo
>>> organization for 2015.  This is a great opportunity for committees such
>>> as our Systems Architecture committee, or the Marketing committee, to
>>> request funding to be put aside for spending for specific needs.
>>> Thanks to a nice brief financial report from our Treasurer Mike Smith at
>>> the last Board meeting[1], we know that we have approximately 250,000
>>> USD cash on hand, plus another 100,000 USD to come from Portland FOSS4G
>>> profits shortly.
>>> I have started a template to record our 2015 budget in the wiki[2] and
>>> the OSGeo Board will work with committees to update it;
>>> please if you have a specific need for funding (servers, marketing
>>> materials, anything) speak up here and we would like to put aside the
>>> funds for your needs for 2015.
>>> Thanks everyone,
>>> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2015-01-15#Minutes
>>> [2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2015
>>> -jeff
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