[OSGeo-Discuss] overall value of market for business based on OSGEO projects?

Andrea Giacomelli pibinko at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 11:36:18 PDT 2015

Hi  -

earlier I was at a cafe with a former colleague...a question arose: what
might be in 2015 the overall value, in terms of gross revenue, of the
market related to products listed as OSGEO projects, including incubating

I understand this might be a wild guess, or it might be not, and I don't
recall if there were recent threads in the list about similar topics (I did
a quick search and didn't find any).

A not-so-wild guess on Italy in 2009 was generated over a coffee break,
simply having the CEOs of the main companies in the same spot.
I'm not sure we can do a similar exercise here ...although the FOSS4G
Europe event might provide a nice space for this.

The reason for asking: with my friend we were trying to understand if a
commitment we might make in some of the OSGEO projects is over- or
under-estimated (or maybe: just right).

We don't need breakdowns by geography or by project...just a grand total...

TIA for any indications, and best regards from Italy!

Andrea Giacomelli
info at pibinko.org
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