[OSGeo-Discuss] Spatial DSS for a major event - Godavari Pushkaralu

Ravi Kumar manarajahmundry2015 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 23:22:13 PDT 2015

It was a wake-up call for Godavari Kumbhmela administration and they have
realised how important it is to use technology (GIS) for live crowd
management. On 14th at the start a stampede caused -30- deaths at The
Pushkar Ghat.
The unfortunate event on 14th July at Rajahmundry Godavari Pushkaralu
(Kumbh) has seen big-wigs understanding the importance of GIS in disaster
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FlQL7gg7zo (sorry this is in Telugu.. this
is only to show that interest is created)
technology helps pushkara crowd

Initially Rajans modest group of young researchers with their servers was
in a not so clean room of Police Guest House at Rajahmundry. Even getting
life feed of Video cameras was an up-hill task. Come 15th July and people
have understood why this Professor (K.S.Rajan) is sweating out in the
computer room while Rajahmundry received 40 Deg C temperature.
On 15th July Honbl Chief Minister of A.P state (India),also paid a visit to
Rajans great effort.
Kudos to the young crowd of volunteers not only in the computer room but
sweating it out at Various Ghats for providing vital information through an
Android application on their smart phones.
KAIINOS the Open GIS company,  are behind all this as a sheet-anchor.

On the website you can find a Man-Rajahmundry GIS link too.
Ravi Kumar

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 11:19 AM, K S Rajan <rajan at iiit.ac.in> wrote:

> All,
> Pls do have a look at the link where our operational Spatial DSS results
> of Crowd Analysis are hosted http://lsi.iiit.ac.in/godavaripushkaralu/
> <http://lsi.iiit.ac.in/godavaripushkaralu/>with live feed being analyzed
> frequently from a range of inputs including Live video feeds, locational
> inputs etc.
> It has started off well with many bureaucrats and decision makers
> interested in it including the ChiefMinister's office. And the police using
> it for in-field decisions.
> Feedbacks/comments welcome.
> regards,
> Rajan
> --
> 1. OSGeo-India held its 2nd National FOSS4G-India Conference, June 8-10,
> 2015 @ Dehradun.(http://foss4gindia.in)
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> K S Rajan, Ph.D.
> Head, Lab for Spatial Informatics, and Associate Professor,
> Founder Treasurer, OSGeo-India
> International Institute of Information Technology
> Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500032, Andhra Pradesh, India
> Tel: (+91-40)6653 1276
> Fax: (+91-40)6653 1413
> E-mail: rajan at iiit.ac.in
> GeoLocation: 17.4454 N, 78.3503 E
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