[OSGeo-Discuss] SMART open source geospatial laboratory - They are really smart :)

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Jun 4 01:14:54 PDT 2015


Today just by chance i came across the amazing research done by our colleagues in Australia at the the University of Wollongong. This summer, SMART's OSGeo lab took 20 UOW students on a study tour to Jakarta. Selected students gained valuable experience, training and education by working directly with the Jakarta Emergency Management Agency and the PetaJakarta team, as well as participating in workshops with the United Nations Pulse Lab Jakarta, the Humanitarian Open Street Map team, the Jakarta office of Twitter, as well as a number of community organisations and local institutions. They have shared thier experiences at  http://smart.uow.edu.au/news-media/UOW191048.html  and http://smart.uow.edu.au/news-media/UOW189408.html

SMART's OSGeo Lab is undertaking a number of research projects that are centred on the use and development of free and Open Source Geospatial software to assist governments, business and the community in responding to infrastructure problems and creating solutions for the future. 

In addition to its research, the SMART OSGeo Lab takes an active role in mentoring and providing hands on experience for UOW students, to assist them in gaining key skills in using open geospatial technologies. 

Details at http://smart.uow.edu.au/osgeo/index.html

This also reminded me that as we grow rapidly, we need to make sure we have these updates and good practices shared .The aim of our newsletter is make sure we can share these kinds of amazing developments and updates in our network. Even i had no clue of this excellent work till i came across one thier presentations by chance. Hence  we need more volunteers to support our newsletter. Please email our Dr. Nikos Lambrinos (Email - labrinos at eled.auth.gr) and be part of the editor team.

Best wishes,


From: Anand Suchith
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 8:22 AM
To: discuss at lists.osgeo.org; ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Co-editors needed for "Geo for All" Newsletters

Hi all,

As we are growing rapidly with lot of  activities, it has become difficult to keep track of all developments, so Dr. Nikos Lambrinos (Associate Professor,  Dept. of Primary Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) has put forward an excellent idea for starting a "Geo for All" newsletter, so we all can get summary monthly updates . Newsletter will be a good benifit to the community.

Nikos has also kindly volunteered to the the Chief Editor of our newsletter. We now need 3 volunteer co- editors to be part of this team with Nikos (ideally from different continients). So please let Nikos  (Email: labrinos at eled.auth.gr ) know if you are interested.

In fact, all our email archives are  available publically at http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/ica-osgeo-labs/  so it just need someone with some editorial skills to bring together key items and publish as a newsletter for the community. I am sure once we start, we can build upon this with feedbacks/inputs from others, use the same template for monthly newsletters etc. Just need a lead editor and good team in place for this.

The Newsletter aims to have the following:

* Summary of the month highlighting various activities in the network

* Will have a section on "Lab of the month" where the editor/sub editors will contact one of the labs in our network to work with them to put together an article on thier work and developments, key people etc.

* Sections on various events, conferences, webinars, courses, training programs etc at the various labs

* Section on any key research publications published by any of our labs

* Section on funding opportunities, bids etc that our members are working on

* Section on new free and open software, books, articles, etc.

*  Section on scholarships for students and exchange programs for students and staff in our network.

* Any other ideas/proposals

So please come forward if you can help with this. Thanks.

Best wishes,


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