[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo in Belgium

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Mar 17 05:43:32 PDT 2015

Hi Dirk,

Wonderful idea, please include me in your updates for this chapter, as I 
like to follow along the progress.  Would this possible chapter be 
looking at getting involved in something like the "Open Belgium" 
conference[1], with a geospatial track?

[1] http://2015.openbelgium.be/


On 2015-03-17 6:47 AM, Dirk Frigne wrote:
> Dear list,
> Following some contacts I had since FOSDEM 2015, I think there is some
> opportunity to start with a local chapter in Belgium.
> There is already the .nl (dutch speaking chapter)[1] and the .fr (french
> speaking chapter)[2], but a local chapter has other benifits (bringing
> OSGeo closer to the local people).
> We want to organize a physical meeting with the local OSGeo people in
> Belgium to see if there is enough critical mass and interest to start
> with a local chapter.
> I also talked with Pieter Colpaert[3] in cc, active in the open
> knowledge foundation in Belgium. As they have already a legal non profit
> structure, where also the local chapter of OSM Belgium [4] has a place,
> we cooperate with this organisation and become also a working group
> under the umbrella of the open knowledge foundation.
> So 2 questions to the community:
> 1. Do you agree with the fact that we investigate how we can join forces
> with the open knowledge foundation Belgium to start up the Belgium
> chapter of OSGeo
> 2. Who is interested to Join a physical meeting in Brussels to find out
> if there is support for a OSGeo Belgium Chapter?
> For this second question, you may mail me directly, so we don't over
> post this list.
> I'll send out a doodle end of the week to the list, but will also
> include everybody showing interest.
> thanks in advance for your reaction,
> Dirk
> [1] http://osgeo.nl/
> [2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Francophone
> [3] http://www.openknowledge.be/
> [4] http://osm.be/

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