[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo in Belgium

Dirk Frigne dirk.frigne at geosparc.com
Tue Mar 17 16:05:40 PDT 2015

I'll make it an Agenda topic.

On 17-03-15 23:34, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Dirk Frigne <dirk.frigne at geosparc.com> wrote:
>> 1. Do you agree with the fact that we investigate how we can join forces
>> with the open knowledge foundation Belgium to start up the Belgium
>> chapter of OSGeo
> We should definitely work together. I believe we should first set our
> goals with OSGeo Belgium and then choose whether it makes sense to be
> under their umbrella.
> Kind Regards,
> Johan

Yours sincerely,

ir. Dirk Frigne

Geosparc n.v.
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B-9030 Ghent
Tel: +32 9 236 60 18
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