[OSGeo-Discuss] OGC Point Cloud ad hoc meeting registration details

Scott Simmons ssimmons at opengeospatial.org
Thu May 21 09:52:50 PDT 2015

Dear OSGeo community,

Please note that we have opened registration for the upcoming Point Cloud ad hoc session at the OGC Boulder Technical Committee meeting.  That session is scheduled for 1300 Mountain Daylight Time (1900 UTC) on Monday, 1 June.  Registration details can be found at:

https://portal.opengeospatial.org/public_ogc/register/1506pointcloud.php <https://portal.opengeospatial.org/public_ogc/register/1506pointcloud.php>

For those of you wishing to participate remotely, GoTo Meeting details will be mailed to you upon completion of your registration.  There are a limited number of GoTo Meeting seats available.

Thanks and Regards,

Scott Simmons
Executive Director, Standards Program
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
tel +1 970 682 1922
mob +1 970 214 9467
ssimmons at opengeospatial.org <mailto:ssimmons at opengeospatial.org>

The OGC: Making Location Count…
www.opengeospatial.org <http://www.opengeospatial.org/>

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