[OSGeo-Discuss] invitation for a world premiere...the first think-thank + crowdsorsing event: May 25, 2015, Politecnico di Milano, Italy: a talk on Mapp(ear)ing the upper half of the landscape

Andrea Giacomelli pibinko at gmail.com
Sat May 23 22:45:49 PDT 2015

[apologies for any cross-postings]

Hello to all,

*if you happen to be in the Milano, Italy, area tomorrow, May 25, *

please consider joining Attivarti.org at an event at the Politecnico di

Where we will be talking about

Mapp(ear)ing the upper half of the landscape:
integration of technologies and participatory methods for protection and
promotion of our landA flier and an extended abstract of the talk is on:

*If you can't make it to Milano between 5PM and 6.30PM, May 25, 2015*

please consider the options below  (and write to info at pibinko.org if

1) We will be in the Milano area from Monday  (9AM) through Thursday
(roughly mid-PM), so there may be other slots for the think-thank and the

2) we might find other slots, considering at least one event per month by
Attivarti.org from June 2 to mid-november (mostly in Italy, but not
only...the calendar will be presented tomorrow).

Last but not least: stay tuned on Radio Popolare Milano between 10.35 and
11.30AM CET...there may be some preview talk about the afternoon event
(note for the potential Italian-speaking audience: please be ready to note
when the 'appare passwords will be aired).

Many thanks for your attention, and best regards from Italy!

Andrea Giacomelli aka pibinko
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