[OSGeo-Discuss] redirecting GeoforAll website development

Tom Roche Tom_Roche at pobox.com
Sat May 23 16:20:07 PDT 2015

suggestion: move development (and discussion) of these tasks to online projects at one of "the usual" development sites (e.g., Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, SourceForge)[1].


Suchith Anand Fri May 22 22:09:22 PDT 2015
>> we need more to help with the GeoforAll website developments.

>> Our community has provided a wishlist of things to do

Is that wishlist online? If so, could you point to that?

>> it is now our responsibility to provide some help [with, e.g.:]

>> 1. Develop a digital display board for presentations/posters of students from all our labs to be uploaded and displayed at the website.

>> 2. [Create] a template [for Open Source Geospatial Lab websites] that everyone can make use of [including those] who dont have web development expertise.

>> 3. Develop reporting tools for the labs

Clement Igonet Sat May 23 01:48:20 PDT 2015
> I could help but could you explain what is expected with more details?

The 3 tasks above seem fairly orthogonal. Perhaps someone with the appropriate project authority @ Southampton (i.e., to legitimately administer each project) could start one project per item above (at one or more of "the usual" development sites[1]), and post links? Then the community could start contributing and commenting at those locations (possibly augmented by project-specific maillists[2]).

HTH, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at pobox.com>

[1]: For a more comprehensive list than given above, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_source_code_hosting_facilities
[2]: to be added @ http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo

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