[OSGeo-Discuss] Fun Event in Victoria with mix of OSGeo/LocationTech projects

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 03:01:56 PST 2015

I have not done the best at communicating lately, here is a write up from a
fun event held last month in victoria -

A really positive mix of OSGeo and LocationTech projects. In many cases
this event was the first introduction to open source for those attending -
making this an excellent outreach opportunity.

I have gotten a number of private emails expressing concerns about
LocationTech being involved in several of the foss4g bids. I guess I had
the opposite concern last year when there was the joint OSGeo /
LocationTech foss4gna conference. I was kind of embarrassed our behavior as
a community - would prefer to see us as welcoming and supportive
(especially as we had a first time organizer that could use our support).

Jody Garnett
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