[OSGeo-Discuss] Short report on OpenGIS-Moscow

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 13:54:57 PST 2015

Hi Jeff and others,
Good news to hear about the success of the Moscow event. I'm 
particularly interested to hear more about
"their prime minister has signed a law that requires government agencies 
to use Open Source software, which must be in place by January 2016".

Is there an authoritative link that we can reference from

On 1/12/2015 8:32 am, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Last week I had the opportunity to attend the OpenGIS conference in 
> Moscow, Russia (http://gisconf.ru).  The venue was really nice, the 
> huge headquarters of @mail.ru Group (http://mail.ru), Moscow's largest 
> hi-tech company (2000 employees I believe), who in fact just purchased 
> an OpenStreetMap-based mapping application, MAPS.ME (http://maps.me).
> Much of the credit for the event must go to Maxim, the chair, and his 
> company NextGIS (http://nextgis.ru/), who sponsored and dedicated so 
> much effort; the entire organizing committee deserves much praise, and 
> you likely will recognize many of them from past FOSS4G events 
> (http://gisconf.ru/organizers).
> Roughly 415 attendees for the second OpenGIS event (the first was held 
> in 2012, with around 100 attendees) which is just excellent. This was 
> a free event, meaning no admission charge, and attendees paid for 
> their lunches in the local cafeteria.  There were 2 tracks, one for 
> FOSS4G software and the other for OpenStreetMap; OSM is very active 
> here, and many will be aware of the locally-developed "OsmAnd" 
> application.
> The topics and talks were cutting-edge, this was a very knowledgeable 
> group, and very interested in the OSGeo foundation. There was quite a 
> buzz at the event, and I saw packed workshop "master classes" for 
> GRASS, QGIS, and other core projects, and everyone was very 
> energetic.  There were many talks that mentioned their involvement in 
> GeoForAll as well, I couldn't be more impressed with their enthusiasm 
> and passion for Open Source geo.
> Also of note is that like many other countries/municipalities across 
> the globe, their prime minister has signed a law that requires 
> government agencies to use Open Source software, which must be in 
> place by January 2016, so there is a huge interested in FOSS.
> Many will also be interested to hear that there is already talk of an 
> event for next year, in beautiful St. Petersburg.  So mark your 
> calendars!  You don't want to miss that event.
> It was a special trip, I met so many vibrant energetic community 
> leaders.  And oh yes, because of this event a new OSGeo local chapter 
> is forming there, which is great!!!  Thank you to Maxim, Nikolai, the 
> OSGeo Board, and everyone at the OpenGIS event for making this such a 
> special trip.
> You can see many pictures of the event here: 
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/trolleway/sets/72157659104643414
> -jeff

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

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