[OSGeo-Discuss] Last call for FedGeoDay 2015

Andrea Ross andrea.ross at eclipse.org
Tue Oct 13 07:12:15 PDT 2015

Dear Everyone,

(x-posted to LocationTech & OSGeo discussion lists, please fwd to any 
who might be interested)

For those that are interested, this Thursday is FedGeoDay 2015 

FedGeoDay 2015 features a really great line-up of speakers from 
Government and Industry. Participating will introduce you to a number of 
powerful and easy to use tools, show you what you can do with them, and 
walk through how and why government agencies are using them to 
dramatically improve their mapping, cartography, and GIS projects.

Just in case you might need a scholarship pass, you can apply for one 
here <http://bit.ly/fgd2015>.

Hope to see some of you there!

Kind regards,


p.s. We'd be grateful for any help you can offer to spread the word 
about this event, thank you so much!
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