[OSGeo-Discuss] Orientation standard

Munich Orientation Convention volksnav at volksnav.de
Tue Oct 20 02:10:52 PDT 2015


Hello Scott,


my license model is very simple: CASE by CASE. The fees can be zero or
symbolical (Burundi) and the merit principle should be valid, therefore not
collide with the openmania. 


Now that OGC is reviewing the own corset, it would a good opportunity to
consider a forgotten target group which has no other lobbies than inventors:
the consumer. 


4 billion people would obviously prefer the division of the horizon into 12
instead of 360 directions and prefer station codes
www.volksnav.de/TokyoMetro instead of none. Our brains need information like
www.volksnav.de/orientator/index.htm but lobbies and openmania generate
standards like post codes, 360 directions or www.volksnav.de/2directions .
What cost little is worth less, what costs nothing. 


Would it be possible for OGC to standardize the most of the Convention - e.
g. starting with a simple circle www.volksnav.de/r100 - or would this be
considered as openwashing?










-          I'm not a missionary but an inventor. Inventors develop systems
to cover market gaps expecting the proven merit principle.


-          Fortunately or not, the market gap "orientation" would be a
matter for authorities and require standardization.


-          My experience with classical standardization boards is: they
aren't interested on best but on free standards where only they can increase
incomes. So they would standardize a system like annex (division of the
horizon into 2 directions) just because it's free and would ignore a
proposal which additionally answers the fundamental questions "where am I?"
"where is north?" "where is downtown?" even if I ask for a symbolical merit.


-          So a question arises: why should someone invest creativity, time
and money on a non-merit basis?


-          What costs little is worth less, what costs nothing. looks like
post codes, maps of type YouAreHere www.volksnav.de/YouAreHere etc. The
resume is: actual standards can only be suboptimal.




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