[OSGeo-Discuss] My name is now Andrea

Andrea Ross andrea.ross at eclipse.org
Fri Oct 9 18:14:52 PDT 2015

Thank you for this lovely email Emma.  And all my best + happy birthday to your sibling. We are far from alone. Regular people that just happen to be the way we are.

Kind regards,


On October 9, 2015 1:26:37 PM EDT, Emma Strong <eestrong118 at gmail.com> wrote:
>Thank you for sharing your story!!  My sibling recently came out as a
>woman as well, and today is their (they prefer the neutral pronoun now)
>birthday, so seeing your story was just awesome :)  And thank you for
>you do for the OSGeo community!
>On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Andrea Ross <andrea.ross at eclipse.org>
>> On 09/10/15 13:04, Sandro Santilli wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 09, 2015 at 11:11:06AM -0400, Andrea Ross wrote:
>>>> Dear Everyone,
>>>> Please pardon me for those who already know this news.
>>>> I participate quite a bit and have supported OSGeo initiatives
>>>> the early days (FWIW, I am a charter member since 2008), and it
>>>> seems appropriate to share this here as well.
>>>> If you please, it is my wish you call me Andrea
>>>> <https://42aross.wordpress.com/2015/10/08/my-name-is-now-andrea/>
>>>> from now on. Thank you.
>>> Hey Andrea, that was a great read, thanks for being yourself !
>>> A fun thing is that "Andrea" in Italy is a male name (translation of
>>> Andrew) so it wasn't very clear from the subject what you were
>>> It's good to see female population growing in this community, btw :)
>>> --strk;
>> Thanks for your email Sandro. Yeah, I recognize that for a few parts
>> the world, Andrea is more typically a male name. Of course for quite
>a few
>> it's typically a female name. I guess that's kind of a fitting name
>for me
>> then. :-)
>> Kind regards,
>> Andrea
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