[OSGeo-Discuss] [Election 2015] Board Nomination for Venkatesh Raghavan

Massimiliano Cannata massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
Tue Sep 8 02:37:09 PDT 2015

I strongly second this nomination.

Venka is one of the most prominent personality of OSGeo: highly competent,
long term member, experienced and wise.


2015-09-08 10:40 GMT+02:00 Suchith Anand <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>:

> I would like to second this excellent nomination. Venka's years of
> experience and contributions to OSGeo and Geo4All will be great asset to
> the OSGeo Board and our global community. As the chair of Geo4All Asia , he
> has been working tirelessly to expand geoeducation opportunities to
> students across Asia.
> Thanks to Venka for accepting this nomination to stand for OSGeo Board
> election.
> Suchith
> ________________________________________
> From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org]
> on behalf of Vasile Craciunescu [vasile at geo-spatial.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 9:04 AM
> To: OSGeo Discussions
> Cc: OSGeo Chief Returning Officer
> Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Election 2015] Board Nomination for Venkatesh
> Raghavan
> Forwarding Venkatesh Raghavan nomination to the board of directors by
> Sanghee Shin, Markus Neteler and Jeff McKenna.
> Best,
> Vasile
> CRO 2015
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Nomination for Venkatesh Raghavan
> Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2015 17:53:34 -0300
> From: Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>
> To: cro at osgeo.org <cro at osgeo.org>
> CC: Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org>, Sanghee Shin
> <shshin at gaia3d.com>, Venkatesh Raghavan <raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp>
> It is our pleasure to nominate Venka Raghavan
> (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Venkatesh_Raghavan), from Japan, for the
> OSGeo Board.  It is hard to put into (few) words, Venka's influence on
> FOSS and geo.  The 2012 winner of the Sol Katz Award, he created the
> term “FOSS4G” back in 2004, using it as the name of an international
> event in Thailand, and since then he has promoted FOSS4G all over the
> globe.  He was also one of the organizers of the recent FOSS4G-Asia
> event this past December.
> Venka has also been directly involved in OSGeo since its inception, in
> fact he was on the first OSGeo Board of Directors from 2006 to 2007.  He
> is also a long-time board member of the OSGeo Japan chapter.
> A professor at Osaka City University in Japan, Venka constantly
> encourages his students to leverage FOSS4G in all of their research.
> His influence in Asia wide reaching, being easily the most influential
> FOSS4G leader there.  Venka also helps organize the GIS-IDEAS Symposium
> every 2 years in Vietnam, which is always FOSS4G-based.
> Venka is enthused to be a part of the OSGeo Board again, helping a
> foundation that he helped form at the beginning.  We could not be more
> please and honoured to nominate Venka for the Board of Directors.
> Sanghee Shin, Markus Neteler, & Jeff McKenna
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*Massimiliano Cannata*

Professore SUPSI in ingegneria Geomatica

Responsabile settore Geomatica

Istituto scienze della Terra

Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana

Campus Trevano, CH - 6952 Canobbio

Tel. +41 (0)58 666 62 14

Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09

massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch

*www.supsi.ch/ist <http://www.supsi.ch/ist>*
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