[OSGeo-Discuss] Board election: no re-elections this year?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Sep 23 00:38:43 PDT 2015

Hi Gert-Jan,

My own opinion is that the OSGeo community and its projects are maturing 
and we are facing new issues that might not seem as "fun" as in the 
past, such as: renewing bylaws, FOSS4G structure, financial, training, 
certification, sponsorship, relations with other foundations.  Sure all 
of those topics have existed for a long time, but suddenly they are 
becoming more important for the foundation.

As we/community members mature, we're more confident and speak our minds 
more, and that leads to the occasional "-1" in the voting, and this 
takes time to find another solution.

With Anne moving onto another life path and the other 4 members stepping 
down, I see this as a wonderful opportunity to expand our leadership, to 
give that stage to other members and let them grow.

I hope these 
(late-night/early-morning/my-body-has-no-idea-what-time-it-is) thoughts 
give a hint.


On 2015-09-23 4:17 AM, Gert-Jan van der Weijden wrote:
> Hello list,
> Preparing to cast my vote for the board election, I noticed that all 4
> (Jáchym, Bart, Gérald, Jorge) board members who reached the end of their
> 2-year term are not standing for re-election. (besides that: Anne
> decided not to stay for her 2nd year of her 1st term)
> Some questions arise:
> - Is the board membership such a demanding job that members always
> resign after 2 years?
> - Is this a good thing, to make sure we dont'have board members who are
> tied to their seats?
> - Or is this a bad thing, with board members switching too fast to reach
> their goals?
> Respones from anybody are as always appreciated, but the 4+1 resigning
> board members and the current candidates are especially invited to give
> their humble opinion on this.
> Regards,
> Gert-Jan

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