[OSGeo-Discuss] Fotosession Bonn - Foundation officers and Board of Directors

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 05:01:08 PDT 2016

Do you have details Dirk? Not all of us project officers have an invitation
to the reception ...

Jody Garnett

On 17 August 2016 at 15:29, Dirk Frigne <dirk.frigne at geosparc.com> wrote:

> Dear list,
> For my presentation next week, I want to add a photo of all the current
> Foundation officers of OSGeo 2016. [1]
> I know this is almost impossible, and that is exactly the reason why I
> think we (OSGeo) can manage. So this is my proposal:
> Can everybody from this list, who is in Bonn at Tuesday evening 23/8 at
> 18:25 just before the Official Reception  of the City of Bonn be there
> for a short photo-session?
> If you are *not* in Bonn, can you send me a picture I can use in the
> presentation?
> I prepared a wiki page 'Official OSGeo Officers photo-session Bonn 2016'
> [2]. Please add your name to the list if you will manage to be there, or
> if not, put your name on the list indicating you send me a picture I can
> use.
> Thanks in advance and have fun!
> Dirk
> [1] http://www.osgeo.org/content/foundation/board_and_officers.html
> [2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/2016_fotosession-OSGeoOfficers
> --
> Yours sincerely,
> ir. Dirk Frigne
> CEO @geosparc
> Geosparc n.v.
> Brugsesteenweg 587
> B-9030 Ghent
> Tel: +32 9 236 60 18
> GSM: +32 495 508 799
> http://www.geomajas.org
> http://www.geosparc.com
> @DFrigne
> be.linkedin.com/in/frigne
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