[OSGeo-Discuss] Detect and define the coordinate system of gis data with no projection information automatically

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Wed Aug 31 01:51:09 PDT 2016

Luí­s de Sous:

>Good, three is already a group!
>The strategy will be to define the data model and the templates while
>in parallel requiring formal endorsement from OSGeo. A project like
>this can only succeed if backed by the foundation.
>Please send me your GitHub handles. I would also ask you to link to
>your OSGeo member page in your bio (Wiki user page).

Dear Luis,

is this open to anyone (OSGeo members at least)? I'd like to be able to
follow this, though not very regularly.

Merci, Nikos

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