[OSGeo-Discuss] easiest setup on Windows

Siki Zoltan siki at agt.bme.hu
Thu Dec 15 08:58:06 PST 2016

Dear Puneet,

I would offer your friends OSGeo4W. Apache, server and client side GIS are 
included (optionally installable), easy update/install.
PostgreSQL/PostGIS not included.


On Thu, 15 Dec 2016, P Kishor wrote:

> hello OSGeo,

I am helping some friends migrate their work to a real GIS (from a hodgepodge of AutoCad and MS-Excel spreadsheets). Unfortunately, for me, they use Windows (the last time I used Windows was 1997). I will try and convince them to start using some kind of Linux, at least for their geospatial needs, but assuming I can˙˙t, what is the easiest way to get them started with web mapping?

Fwiw, I am installing PostGIS for them and outfitting them with QGIS. So, the desktop/datastore part is covered. But I don˙˙t have time to build a full fledged Leaflet app. Is there something I can install on a Windows machine that will read data from PostGIS and serve it on the web, and allow some level of customization of the interface?

(Sadly, I don˙˙t even know what version of Windows they are using, but I recall it had a lot of bouncy windows so it must be one of the newer versions.)

Many thanks in advance,

Puneet Kishor
Just Another Creative Commoner

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