[OSGeo-Discuss] easiest setup on Windows

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Dec 15 09:29:32 PST 2016

Thanks Brent, rude of me not to mention GeoMOOSE, Mapbender, 
OpenLayers3, and the other applications that are already configured for 
download with MS4W.  Puneet, you can see more about those pre-configured 
applications here: http://ms4w.com/download.html

MS4W distributes about 1TB of data and applications each month, for the 
MapServer, GeoMOOSE, Mapbender, OpenLayers,etc. communities.

If you have questions about MS4W, you can also join its dedicated 
mailing list at https://lists.ms4w.com/mailman/listinfo/ms4w-users


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2016-12-15 1:16 PM, Brent Fraser wrote:
> Puneet,
>   To get them started, have a look at MS4W and Geomoose.  MS4w is a
> Windows friendly install of apache, mapserver, etc.  Geomoose is an easy
> to customize (edit a little XML and a map file) implementation of
> OpenLayers with a great demo web app and integrated with MS4W.
> http://ms4w.com/
> http://www.geomoose.org/
> Best Regards,
> Brent Fraser
> On 12/15/2016 9:46 AM, P Kishor wrote:
>> hello OSGeo,
>> I am helping some friends migrate their work to a real GIS (from a
>> hodgepodge of AutoCad and MS-Excel spreadsheets). Unfortunately, for
>> me, they use Windows (the last time I used Windows was 1997). I will
>> try and convince them to start using some kind of Linux, at least for
>> their geospatial needs, but assuming I can’t, what is the easiest way
>> to get them started with web mapping?
>> Fwiw, I am installing PostGIS for them and outfitting them with QGIS.
>> So, the desktop/datastore part is covered. But I don’t have time to
>> build a full fledged Leaflet app. Is there something I can install on
>> a Windows machine that will read data from PostGIS and serve it on the
>> web, and allow some level of customization of the interface?
>> (Sadly, I don’t even know what version of Windows they are using, but
>> I recall it had a lot of bouncy windows so it must be one of the newer
>> versions.)
>> Many thanks in advance,
>> --
>> Puneet Kishor
>> Just Another Creative Commoner
>> http://punkish.org/About
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