[OSGeo-Discuss] geospatial @ apache foundation
George Percivall
gpercivall at opengeospatial.org
Mon Feb 1 05:40:33 PST 2016
Its good to hear of our common interests for geospatial implementations in multiple communities.
> It is particularly relevant for LocationTech's vibrant geoprocessing projects (GeoMesa, GeoWave, GeoJinni, GeoTreillis, etc.) are based on top of & implement spatial features for Spark, Hadoop, Accumulo, HBase, etc.
It would be good to get abstract(s) about theses projects in the ApacheCon geospatial track:
This CFP closes February 12, 2016: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-north-america/program/cfp <http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-north-america/program/cfp>
Luis Bermudez will be the OGC staff member at FOSS4G NA this year.
> On Jan 31, 2016, at 5:25 PM, Andrea Ross <andrea.ross at eclipse.org> wrote:
> Dear Cameron, George, and Everyone
> Thank you for looping me in Cameron. You are correct, this is of interest. Personally, I think it is great to see the geo work being done at Apache. I have been cheering for it since I learned of it a few years ago. And I personally think collaboration just makes sense. For those that didn't already know about it, Mozilla is also doing some really cool stuff.
> It is particularly relevant for LocationTech's vibrant geoprocessing projects (GeoMesa, GeoWave, GeoJinni, GeoTreillis, etc.) are based on top of & implement spatial features for Spark, Hadoop, Accumulo, HBase, etc.
> For what it's worth, FOSS4G NA <https://2016.foss4g-na.org/> runs May 2-5 in Raleigh. GEOINT <http://geoint2016.com/> runs May 15-18 in Orlando.
> It goes without saying that the Apache Geo projects, and any others for that matter, are welcome at FOSS4G NA. The CfP <https://2016.foss4g-na.org/cfp> deadline is February 8th. Speakers who have their talk accepted get a free full access pass. There are also scholarships for those that need a little support.
> Kind regards,
> Andrea
> On 30/01/16 14:47, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Hi George,
>> I'm not sure if Andrea Ross (CCed) has been included in your conversations to date? She coordinates LocationTech, the geospatial arm of the Eclipse Foundation. I suspect you will find her both interested and valuable in progressing your goals.
>> I do like your goals of collaborating between open source organisations related to geospatial. This happens to be at the core of both the OSGeo Foundation and LocationTech as well.
>> With regards to a summary of Open Source Geospatial, I suggest looking at the OSGeo-Live presentation (with script):
>> http://live.osgeo.org/en/presentation/index.html#/ <http://live.osgeo.org/en/presentation/index.html#/>
>> It aims to be a lightening FOSS4G conference, covered in a 30 min presentation.
>> I'll leave it to you to distill further down to a one minute slide. :)
>> (You are free to copy or change the material as you see fit)
>> Warm regards, Cameron
>> On 31/01/2016 3:07 am, George Percivall wrote:
>>> Cameron,
>>> Its good to hear of your cross community interest for OSGeo. My abstract for the geospatial track of ApacheConf suggests coordination between open source organizations working on geospatial - based on the use of open standards. One aim I have for the session is to identify project coordination actions be undertaken after the conference.
>>> If OSGeo sees opportunities for geospatial application of Apache projects it would be most appropriate to submit an abstract.
>>> You can find the call for participation here: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-north-america/program/cfp <http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-north-america/program/cfp>
>>> Be sure to put submit your abstract with a title of this scheme: “Geospatial Track - [your title]”
>>> In any case, lets coordinate in advance of the May conference, e.g., it would be good to include a slide in my presentation summarizing the OSGeo projects.
>>> Regards,
>>> George
>>>> On Jan 30, 2016, at 5:24 AM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi George,
>>>> Following on from your suggestion of a geospatial track at the Apache: Big Data North
>>>> America, I expect you will find interest from the OSGeo community to be involved (see below).
>>>> Please keep us in the loop with regards to your ideas, and once consolidated, feel free to ask us how we might want to contribute.
>>>> I suspect may be people within the OSGeo community with valuable case studies or ideas to include in your proposed track.
>>>> Also, I suspect there would be value for Big Spatial data projects to align with the OSGeo foundation, potentially being included as an OSGeo incubated project, and tap into OSGeo marketing pipelines.
>>>> Warm regards, Cameron Shorter
>>>> On 29/01/2016 10:51 pm, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I recently bumped across this article about a geospatial track which
>>>>> may be organised at apachecon.
>>>>> Maybe some people from OSGeo can reach out to them and see if we can
>>>>> organise this together? And look for future collaboration?
>>>>> http://thenewstack.io/apache-sets-geospatial-voyage/ <http://thenewstack.io/apache-sets-geospatial-voyage/>
>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>> Johan
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>>>> --
>>>> Cameron Shorter,
>>>> Software and Data Solutions Manager
>>>> LISAsoft
>>>> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
>>>> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
>>>> P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com <http://www.lisasoft.com/>, F +61 2 9009 5099
>> --
>> Cameron Shorter,
>> Software and Data Solutions Manager
>> LISAsoft
>> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
>> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
>> P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com <http://www.lisasoft.com/>, F +61 2 9009 5099
> --
> Andrea Ross
> Director, Ecosystem Development, Eclipse Foundation <http://eclipse.org/>
> Twitter: @42aross <http://twitter.com/42aross>, Mobile: 1-613-614-5772
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