[OSGeo-Discuss] Welcome OSGeo President and Vice Presidents

Ravi Kumar manarajahmundry2015 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 00:51:17 PST 2016

Welcome Venkatesh Raghavan as new President of OSGeo. Known as Venka with
affection, he has been the spirit behind many an OSGeo events, and many an
OSGeo Local chapters.
Aa a Globe trotter, Venka for sure will take OSGeo initiatives to new
heights globally.

Welcome also to OSGeo Vice Presidents Professor Helena Mitasova and Dirk
Frigne. I fondly remember my visit to Helena's alma mater where in 3D
printing using GRASS was being experimented. With "Open source is becoming
a human right in our modern world" (from Dirk's website), I am sure Open
Geospatial data will be a human right too..

All the best and Cheers

V.Ravi Kumar, OSGeo India
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