[OSGeo-Discuss] Introducing GeoAcademy GIS GeoBadges

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Jul 7 04:09:51 PDT 2016

Dear All,

Thanks to Sergio for sharing this info http://us10.campaign-archive1.com/?u=023a4ebf81fd06583f67b9f62&id=e4afa669bc

I am sure you all will join me in congratulating Dr. Christopher Tucker on his new role as the chairman of American Geographical Society (AGS) . Chris is also the founder of MapStory [1] .We look forward to expanding collaborations with AGS.

Congrats to GeoAcademy colleagues who have made available GeoAcademy GIS GeoBadges for their 5 different GIS learning modules:

  *   Introduction to Geospatial Technology
  *   Spatial Analysis Using GIS
  *   Data Acquisition and Management
  *   Cartography Using GIS
  *   Remote Sensing Using GIS

The GeoAcademy is an independent consortium of GIS educators dedicated to promoting the use of open source software for geospatial technology education. GeoAcademy believes that all students deserve the opportunity to learn and use technology regardless of their social or economic status. GeoAcademy is committed to bringing technology training and education to anyone and everyone in the world through the use of Internet-based education.

The GeoAcademy is independent from the OSGeo Foundation and the QGIS Project which owns and distributes the QGIS software that is the basis for the GeoAcademy’s curriculum. GeoAcademy is a member of the GeoForAll Initiative that the AGS proudly endorsed in 2015 [1].

Their MOOC program has been successful in teaching thousands of students in each session but also truly empowering the students. All the teaching materials are made available in Creative Commons licence so other educators can build upon this at https://github.com/FOSS4GAcademy

GeoAcademy won the Team award at the Geo for All Educator Awards 2015 for their excellent initiative http://www.geoforall.org/news/?action=story&id=20

What is the point of teaching students GIS and taking away the tools and asking them to pay big licensing fees to use them later after the course?

The contributions of GeoAcademy colleagues are good example of our philosophy and why we are working on Geo4All at http://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org/2016/07/sharing-is-caring-why-openness-is-key-for-true-empowerment-and-sustainability/

Best wishes,


[1] https://mapstory.org
[2] http://americangeo.org/press-release/american-geographical-society-announces-endorsement-of-the-geo-for-all-initiative/

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