[OSGeo-Discuss] Draft European Open Science Agenda and Call for EoIs for the Selection of members for the High level Advisory Group "Open Science Policy Platform"
Suchith Anand
Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Mar 17 02:59:45 PDT 2016
With the objectives to enable more reliable science (by allowing data verification); more efficient science (by sharing resources); and more responsive science (by contributing to addressing societal challenges), and fostering research integrity are critical for Open Geospatial Science that "Geo for All" stands for . Hence we are extremely pleased to support the excellent developments in Open Science led by the European Commission.
In June 2015, the Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation Carlos Moedas defined three strategic priorities: Open Innovation, Open Science and Openness to the World.
Open Science describes the on-going transitions in the way research is performed, researchers collaborate, knowledge is shared, and science is organised. It is enabled by digital technologies, and driven by:
* the enormous growth of data,
* the globalisation and enlargement of the scientific community to new actors (e.g. citizen science), and
* the need to address societal challenges.
The institutions involved in science are affected (research organisations, research councils, funding bodies), as is the way in which scientific results are disseminated and assessed. This is reflected in
* the rise of new scientific disciplines,
* innovative pathways in publishing (among them a substantial rise of open access journals),
* new scientific reputation systems, and
* changes in the way the quality and impact of research are evaluated.
In the short term, Open Science is expected to lead to more transparency, research integrity, openness, inclusiveness and networked collaboration. In the long term, it should increase the impact and quality of science, making science more efficient, reliable and responsive to the grand challenges of our times as well as foster co-creation and Open Innovation.
More details at https://ec.europa.eu/research/openscience/index.cfm
The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation intends to establish a Commission Expert Group to provide advice about the development and implementation of open science policy in Europe.
It is therefore calling for expressions of interest with a view to selecting members of the High-Level Advisory Group 'Open Science Policy Platform' (OSPP). The group will consist of 20-30 high-level representatives of the broad constituency of European (open) science stakeholders.
The mandate of the Open Science Policy Platform is to:
* advise the Commission on how to further develop and practically implement open science policy, in line with the priority of Commissioner Moedas to radically improve the quality and impact of European science;
* function as a dynamic, stakeholder-driven mechanism for bringing up and addressing issues of concern for the European science and research community and its representative organisations, following five broad lines for actions which are presented in the draft European Open Science Agenda [1]
* support policy formulation by helping to identify the issues to be addressed and providing recommendations on the policy actions required;
* support policy implementation, contributing to reviewing best practices, drawing policy guidelines and encouraging their active uptake by stakeholders;
* provide advice and recommendations on any cross-cutting issue affecting Open Science.
DG Research & Innovation is hereby calling for applications with the view of selecting stakeholders as members of the Open Science Policy Platform according to the criteria detailed in the Call for expression of interest.
More details at https://ec.europa.eu/research/openscience/index.cfm?pg=open-science-policy-platform
So i request you all to share this info. widely and invite our colleagues who are contributing to Open Science to be part of this and support the EC .
Best wishes,
Dr. Suchith Anand
[1] https://ec.europa.eu/research/openscience/pdf/draft_european_open_science_agenda.pdf#view=fit&pagemode=none
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