[OSGeo-Discuss] Recruiting OSGeo Santa Clause(s)
nicolas bozon
nicolas.bozon at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 04:38:30 PDT 2016
Dear Cameron, Marketing Committee, OSGeo Directors,
As a member of the so called "dormant" Marketing Committee, i would be glad
to help revitalising it.
In fact it hasn't been a satisfactory nor confortable situation to be a
member of such a forgotten commitee since 2012.
So i'd like to volunteer for championing such committee reboot, and propose
to help define strategic changes, recruit new members and tackle some of
the administrative tasks.
I can also chair the Committee if needed, and if this is appropriated for
gathering the troops. Cameron, I am not Santa (but 'Klaus' only:)), but I'd
be very glad to learn from your experience and we may try to enhance things
However,i think the commitee's mission and role should be revised, probably
indepth modified, and aligned with the new OSGeo plans.
My main point is that the mandate of the OSGeo Marketing Committee must go
way beyond the funding of OSGeo events and the managment of consumables or
swag, as it mostly did (or not) until now.
OSGeo Live is one of our best marketing tool to showcase some of the
Foundation's software projects, but not to promote and market the
Foundation itself IMHO.
OSGeo Live must of course be kept inside a new marketing plan, but the
latter shouldn't be built on DVDs and events only.
According to me, improving OSGeo Marketing globally is one of the most
important and urgent action to be taken according to the new strategic plan
defined by the Board.
It must help OSGeo to be presented as more matured, more inclusive, more
professional, and fully considered by the broader geospatial community.
I believe such reborn Marketing Committee should work closely along with
the Board of Directors, the Website Committee and a few motivated
contributors, in order to:
- Define a consitent OSGeo identity from existing material (including
revised graphic guidelines, new shapes and colors aligned with identified
needs and recent web trends, new scalable vector graphics, web fonts ...)
- Refine the OSGeo web identity (including main site redesign through the
developement a new drupal theme, responsive webdesign, efficient and
reusable visuals...)
- Enhance OSGeo web content and presence (including blog, journal,
newsletter and bring more activity on various social networks)
- Market the OSGeo brand online and at all kind of events (including
consumables management, viral marketing, direct marketing...)
Such actions could be prioritized and voted by the Committee's members,
coordinated by the commitee's chair according to the Committee members, and
aligned with the allocated budget and volunteered time.
I sincerly hope we can reboot and improve our Marketing Committee together,
in order to grow and market our Foundation better.
Let us talk, decide and act now ! Enough rest for MarkCom' !
Best regards,
2016-03-15 8:42 GMT+01:00 Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>:
> OSGeo needs help distributing money to worthy causes. We need an OSGeo
> Santa Clause.
> The current state of play is:
> * The OSGeo Board has allocated budget for an OSGeo marketing committee to
> distribute.
> * But, our OSGeo Marketing committee has imploded. (I was the last chair,
> a few years back). It seems no one is interested in the administrative
> tasks of giving away money, doing the administrative work of writing
> cheques, being accountable, deciding which requests get funded verses which
> don't based on a set of guidelines.
> My take is that handing out money to worthy marketing causes can't be too
> important, as it is not bugging anyone enough to want to step up and
> volunteer to fix it. But I'd be delighted to proven wrong, and see some
> people volunteer to step up to revitalise the OSGeo marketing committee. If
> you are possibly interested, please speak up. I'd be happy to help you get
> started.
> A first task would be to consider this request from Bob.
> Warm regards, Cameron
> On 9/03/2016 6:29 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
> Sounds like an amazing event, marketing committee should have a budget to
> work against shortly (it is an agenda topic for this week and you can see
> the budget
> <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_of_Directors#Operational_Budget_for_2016>
> on the wiki ).
> Cameron is involved with both marketing committee and OSGeo live and
> should be able to assist.
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 8 March 2016 at 08:59, Bob Basques <bbasques at sharedgeo.org> wrote:
>> All,
>> I haven’t heard anything back on the following request from anyone (other
>> than Jody commenting about where this should be sent . . .).
>> So trying again . . .
>> --------------------
>> All,
>> First, let me know if this is the wrong list to request from.
>> We’re holding a regional Geo conference and would like to include a
>> OSGeo-Live thumb drive in each attendees goody bag. So, please consider
>> this an official request for funding of OSGeo Live Thumb Drives for the
>> event.
>> This is a multi- discipline, multi-state event for all things Geo. 60
>> confirmed presenters. This will be a highly knowledgable audience and
>> because of the varied subject matter it will be an excellent venue to get
>> the word out to new folks about OSGeo and it’s mission, via the OSGeo Live
>> project. More info about the event can be seen here:
>> www.umgeocon.org
>> We’ve planned for 350 attendees. We can make our own thumb drives,
>> and/or pay to have them made ourselves. We’ve handed these out in the past
>> and will also include a getting started cheat sheet for each user to get
>> them going with the least amount of effort.
>> I haven’t checked lately for the going rate on these. Local suppliers
>> are advertising ~$5 each for an 8GB USB3.0 blank drive.
>> Request is for $2000 ($1750 for Drives, $250 for copying the OSGeo Live
>> suite to each).
>> Related, my submission of the OSGeo Live presentation has been accepted
>> at the event, and there will also be a (free) GeoMOOSE workshop.
>> bobb
>> --
>> Bob Basques
>> <bbasques at sharedgeo.org>bbasques at sharedgeo.org
>> 612.598.9210
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> --
> Cameron Shorter,
> Software and Data Solutions Manager
> LISAsoft
> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
> P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com, F +61 2 9009 5099
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