[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo-EU toward a new OSGeo scenario?

till.adams at fossgis.de till.adams at fossgis.de
Sat May 7 23:53:51 PDT 2016

Dear all,

after editing on an email for some days now, I noticed after all that 
most of the words, I'd like to contribute to this duscussion have 
already been written down by Marc.

So I agree with Marc on most of his points but like to put the focus 
more on the business side of view: Please keep in mind, that in order to 
get at leat a tiny bit of influence in Brussels and EU-related 
organisations requires a European Organisation. No matter that this is 
related to a global, US-resident organisation.

Regards, Till

Am 2016-05-03 23:35, schrieb Marc VLOEMANS:
> Dear Maxi et al
> Great to continue another part of our strategy-in-the-making! My
> reasons why I feel we need a regional EU chapter and its consequences
> below.
> As with many international organisations I am a supporter of the
> strategy-adagio ; plan global, act local.
> This enables local flavours to an overall
> vision-mission-strategy-story. (Even Coca Cola encourages local
> initiatives under a global brand and growth strategy.) Which 
> addresses
> the fact that, for example the GeoServer project, has many
> region/country specific implementations and add-ons. Just think of 
> the
> specific European INSPIRE directive, with special plugins for
> metadata etc.
> Furthermore, outreach and lobby (see the Concept Marketing discussion
> in the Wiki) have to deal with a host of different cultures and
> political entities in Europe. Unlike a relatively homogenous US
> marketplace. Most notably we have a influential/powerful centralised
> EU government in Brussels as a pan-national stakeholder.
> Now, local chapters could be invited to localise our overall 
> strategic
> roadmap (I happily take my analogy from software). But they are 
> either
> not set up or not equipped to deal with this matter (compare our
> similar efforts on .org level). And they are certainly not able to
> influence European/Brussels policy from their relative distance.
> If a European OSGeo.eu can be the collaborative entity to work 
> towards
> further open spatial dissemination, on this side of the
> Atlantic, then I am all for this. It could also facilitate FOSS4GEU
> in stead of having a local chapter carry the weight.  It is a
> European itch, so lets scratch it ourselves.
> And if Africa and Asia and Middle-East have
> other dissemination needs than power to them.
> From an OSGeo-organisational point of view, we will certainly have to
> look into the overall governance. In my opinion we are in a phase in
> which we step up our game, professionalise, re-group and re-organise
> where required. However, splitting would be disastrous. 
> A simple solution is that board representation is based on certain
> roles and representatives:
> Chair, Secretary and Treasurer: General roles, therefor voted by all
> chapter members
> For marketing, sponsoring (single/grouped) etc; also individuals
> voted by all
> Representative EU: voted by EU chapter members
> Representative Asia: voted by Asian chapter 
> These last two roles could be combined with other specific roles if
> needed.
> Regional Chapters to be voted on by the local chapters in the area.
> Or such like.
> Yes, a little more of a Christmas tree, but that can be solved. It
> reflects a need for required change.
> The overall issue is that we grow in depth, width and length and
> therefore we need to revisit/rethink how the organisation is managed
> for future growth and relevance.
> And managing large internationally distributed organisations is an
> art, a craft and a profession. Especially if the organisation 
> consists
> of critical, vocal and engaged volunteers.
> That can be daunting for those involved, but working in open source
> throws us much larger daunting challenges on a daily basis.
> My two (Euro)cents
> Cheers Marc
> Op dinsdag 3 mei 2016 heeft Massimiliano Cannata
> <massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch [6]> het volgende geschreven:
>> Dear Dirk and all,
>> I came across the eu at list.osgeo.org which I didnt know the
>> existence before of your last message. The archive [1] is showing
>> very low traffic (2 thread, one of 2015 and one of 2016) with few
>> contributors to the discussions (3 people). 
>> In my opinion times are very immature for creating an OSGeo-EU; it
>> seems to me that the discussion just started.
>> Apart from visions and perspective which could be different, im
>> concerned about the creation of an European OSGeo chapter and maybe
>> in the next future of an Asian one.
>> To my point of View, this may be the start of a disruption process
>> which could lead to to the creation of  multiple regional
>> foundations.
>> I have to say that I was already reluctant on the formation of North
>> American chapter for the same reason.
>> This structure is one option, but then I see the "international
>> OSGeo" (now OSGeo only) to be totally redesigned in the case. 
>> Probably each continent should then elect one/two representatives
>> for the "international OSGeo" and each "continental chapter" will
>> have their members and their rules that scale down to "national
>> local chapters" that have their own rules and members and elects
>> representatives for the continental chapter.
>> Also each "continental" will have its annual conference and the
>> International could happen once every two years.
>> Said that, I have no recipe and while understanding the motivation
>> behind this disruption process I have some fear of splitting
>> communities. This may lead in the future to different incubation
>> processes, visions strategies etc...
>> If this is the selected "option" I which that the process of
>> de-localization could be run in a more democratic way - doocracy is
>> good but when important matters involves several people democracy is
>> far way better as it explicitly involve everyone, not only those who
>> " tends to favor the more vocal people, leaving the "general
>> opinion" largely unknown."
>> So my question (with no prejudices) is, are we going toward and do
>> we seek for a different OSGeo scenario?
>> Maxi
>> [1]
> http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/European-Union-Chapter-f5250537.html
>> [5]
>> Sorry if I garbled my understanding of the initial email, I did ask
>> for clarification :P
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On 2 May 2016 at 12:23, Massimiliano Cannata
>> <massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch> wrote:
>>> Dear Board Members,
>>> while I understand the call for presentation for the OSGeo vision,
>>> regarding FOSS4G Europe, i see different visions within the
>>> community.
>>> One things is the EU local chapter, another is the FOSS4G local
>>> event which has a different vision in my understanding and my
>>> opinion.
>>> What is your opinion?
>>> Maxi
>>> 2016-05-02 17:56 GMT+02:00 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>:
>>>> Thanks Till:
>>>> I see that the presentation covering our mission/vision/goals
>>>> has been accepted [1] - perhaps that can take some pressure of
>>>> keynotes? I would appreciate company if Maxi (who has been doing
>>>> so much planning work) was willing.
>>>> To clarify point two - are you considering a european foss4g
>>>> event? Or a vision for how OSGeo can be effective in Europe.
>>>> --
>>>> Jody Garnett
>>>> On 2 May 2016 at 11:19, <till.adams at fossgis.de> wrote:
>>>>> Dear OSGeo board,
>>>>> I come to you in sight of OSGeo presence @FOSS4G 2016 in
>>>>> Bonn. After sending out the accteptance-emails for the
>>>>> proposals for the regular track we now also care heavily about
>>>>> all the other programme related issues.
>>>>> One thing we want to finalize ASAP are the plenary
>>>>> talks/sessions we will have.
>>>>> We would be very pleased, if we could have two presentations
>>>>> from OSGeo within the limits of our plenary sessions:
>>>>> 1. Traditionally the OSGeo president should run the Sol Katz
>>>>> Award session as well as the student awardings - both together
>>>>> in the closing session.  So we would be happy if Venka would
>>>>> agree in adopting that. This would be  on friday afternoon,
>>>>> the detailed time schedule will come soon.
>>>>> 2. In order to have both, a presentation of OSGeos new
>>>>> "Vision and Mission" but also to present the "Vision of an
>>>>> European FOSS4G" I would like to ask kindly whether
>>>>> Vice-President Dirk Frigne wants to talk about this in a
>>>>> keynote on wednesday noon. I think especially on an european
>>>>> FOSS4G with a lot of european organisations being advocated,
>>>>> showing the vision of a worldwide, but also of an european
>>>>> FOSS4G makes a lot of sense. Dirk as a Vice-President is the
>>>>> perfect person to combine both talks into one.
>>>>> Please also consider organizing the OSGeo booth, for
>>>>> questions just contact me.
>>>>> Till
>>> --
>>> Professore SUPSI in ingegneria Geomatica
>>> Responsabile settore Geomatica
>>> Istituto scienze della Terra
>>> Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design
>>> Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
>>> Campus Trevano, CH - 6952 Canobbio
>>> Tel. +41 (0)58 666 62 14 [2]
>>> Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09 [3]
>>> massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
>>> www.supsi.ch/ist [4]
> --
> Kind regards,
> Marc Vloemans
> Mobile +31(0)651 844262
> LinkedIn: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/marcvloemans [7]
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/marcvloemans [8]
> http://www.slideshare.net/marcvloemans [9]
> Links:
> ------
> [1] http://2016.foss4g.org/talks.html#306
> [2] http://www.fossgis.de/tel:%2B41%20%280%2958%20666%2062%2014
> [3] http://www.fossgis.de/tel:%2B41%20%280%2958%20666%2062%2009
> [4] http://www.supsi.ch/ist
> [5] 
> http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/European-Union-Chapter-f5250537.html
> [6] mailto:massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
> [7] http://nl.linkedin.com/in/marcvloemans
> [8] http://twitter.com/marcvloemans
> [9] http://www.slideshare.net/marcvloemans

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