[OSGeo-Discuss] Announcing FOSS4G-IT 2017 in Genoa

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Nov 29 05:14:50 PST 2016

(pardon my translation below, as I may have made mistakes, trying to 
correct Google Translate ha)


We are pleased to announce that the next Italian Conference on Software 
and Data Geographic Free and Open Source "FOSS4G-IT 2017" will take 
place in Genoa from Wednesday 8 to Saturday, February 11, 2017.
For the first year this conference gathers together the "XVIII Meeting 
of Italian GRASS users and GFOSS" and "X GFOSS DAY".

The purpose of the conference is two-fold: the exchange of information 
and experience between users of geographic data and software Free and 
Open Source for the treatment of geographical information (GIS or 
webGIS), and an opportunity for new or potential users to discover the 
functionalities of these systems and the availability of data, and meet 
developers and advanced users.

The meetings are being jointly organized by the Department of Civil 
Engineering, Chemistry and Environmental (DICCA), by the Department of 
Sciences for Architecture (DSA) and the Department of Earth Sciences, 
Environment and Life (DISTAV) University of Genoa, involving staff and 
collaborators in their courses they teach and use geographic data and 
software Free and Open Source for the treatment of geographical information.

The Italian Association for Geographic Information Free (GFOSS.it) will 
manage the session dedicated to the use of tools GFOSS in Public 

Moreover, from an idea born in the seventeenth GRASS meetings and GFOSS 
held in Parma in the current year, the GRASS and GFOSS user group has 
prepared a simple questionnaire [0] useful to collect some information 
about the use of free software and open source geographic scope by the 
Public Administration. The questionnaire will highlight fears and 
limitations of GFOSS software, but also highlight good practices and 
examples of virtuous government.
The aim is to draw up a so-called White Paper and to present principles, 
methodology and any initial results in the session on P.A.

The language of the conference will be Italian.
Participation in the conference is free, but registration is required.
The conference proceedings will be published in indexed journal, details 
of which will be provided later.

The conference will be preceded by a day dedicated to the practical 
introduction to GFOSS systems through hands-on workshops, Wednesday 
February 8, and after the conference there will be a mapping party, on 
Saturday 11 February, organized by the Italian OpenStreetMap community.
 From Monday February 6 there will also be a GRASS Community Sprint, 
whose work will be shown Friday at the end of the conference [1].
On the evening of February 9, will have N open dinner for participants, 
in respect of which more details will be provided at the opening of the 
conference registrations.

Important deadlines:
November 30, 2016 Call Opening workshop proposals (form on website)
December 15, 2016 Deadline for submission of workshop proposals
December 15, 2016 Registration opens and call for proposals for action
January 10, 2017 Deadline for submission of proposed interventions
January 25, 2017 Notice to the authors of the interventions
January 30, 2017 Publication of the plan of remedial measures

The event dates:
6-11 February 2017 GRASS Community Sprint
February 8, 2017 Day dedicated to the Workshop
9-10 February 2017 Conference
February 11, 2017 Day dedicated to OpenStreetMap

E-mail: grass.gfoss.genova at gmail.com
Website: http://www.dicca.unige.it/geomatica/foss4git_2017/index.html

[0] Questionnaire: https://goo.gl/forms/OjEFdD6UydgsfVhK2
[1] Wiki GRASS Community Sprint: 

The local organizing committee
     for DICCA: D. Sguerso, B. Federici, I. Ferrando
     for DSA: G. Brancucci, V. Marin, P. Salmona
     for DISTAV: M. Firpo, A. Mandarin, E. Raso
with the support of
     S. Campus for GFOSS.it
     L. Delucchi for the Sprint Community
     A. Palmas to OSMit

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