[OSGeo-Discuss] [Geo4All] GeoAmbassador / OSGeo Advocate – Teacher badge?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 15:47:46 PDT 2016

<bringing this conversation back on list, with permission>

On 6/11/2016 9:44 AM, Christopher Tucker wrote:
> Love to have convo on the list.  I defer to the community on the best 
> way forward.  Am including Jon Marino, creator of GeoBadges.
> Chris
> Dr. Christopher K Tucker
> Chairman of the Board of Trustees
> The MapStory Foundation
> @MapStory
> tucker at mapstory.org <mailto:tucker at mapstory.org>
> 703-981-9373 <tel:703-981-9373>
> On Nov 5, 2016, at 6:06 PM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com 
> <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> Do you mind if we take this conversation back onto a public list?
>> The original goal of the OSGeo Advocate list was to help find people 
>> who can talk about OSGeo, reducing workload of the OSGeo President / 
>> Board, and tapping into the experience of our members. It contains 
>> information similar to a speaker description on a conference program. 
>> Since being set up, the list has extended to become a way for members 
>> of the community to make a statement about themselves.
>> At the moment, this OSGeo Advocate list is the point of truth for 
>> this type of information, and is effectively owned by the individuals 
>> and OSGeo.
>> Creating a GeoBadge for a GeoAmbassador is good, but splits the point 
>> of truth for a person's described identity between two locations.
>> One thing which might work is for MapStory to scrap GeoBadge 
>> information from the OSGeo Advocate page?
>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Advocate#Understanding_OSGeo_roles
>> The badge icons we currently use are here:
>> https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/logo/svg/
>> Cheers, Cameron
>> On 6/11/2016 8:58 AM, Christopher Tucker wrote:
>>> As an additional note, my folks can do all the design.  We just need 
>>> to know what you want GeoBadges for.
>>> Excited to help.
>>> Chris
>>> Dr. Christopher K Tucker
>>> Chairman of the Board of Trustees
>>> The MapStory Foundation
>>> @MapStory
>>> tucker at mapstory.org <mailto:tucker at mapstory.org>
>>> 703-981-9373 <tel:703-981-9373>
>>> On Nov 5, 2016, at 5:17 PM, Suchith Anand 
>>> <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk 
>>> <mailto:Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Chris. I would like to ccin Cameron as well so can get his 
>>>> ideas.
>>>> Cameron - Chris had kindly provided us this opportunity. Myself, 
>>>> Maria, Nikos had discussions with Chris for creating badges for 
>>>> Geoambassodors some months back but couldnt follow up as all of us 
>>>> got busy . I think we now need to get some actions on this. What do 
>>>> you think? How should we move forward?
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Suchith
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: Christopher Tucker <tucker at mapstory.org 
>>>> <mailto:tucker at mapstory.org>>
>>>> Sent: 05 November 2016 7:48 PM
>>>> To: Anand Suchith
>>>> Subject: Re: [Geo4All] GeoAmbassador / OSGeo Advocate – Teacher badge?
>>>> Let me know if you want geobadges created for any of these roles. 
>>>>  Happy to knock them out quickly.
>>>> Dr. Christopher K Tucker
>>>> Chairman of the Board of Trustees
>>>> The MapStory Foundation
>>>> @MapStory
>>>> tucker at mapstory.org 
>>>> <mailto:tucker at mapstory.org><mailto:tucker at mapstory.org>
>>>> <tel:703-981-9373>703-981-9373<tel:703-981-9373>
>>>> On Nov 5, 2016, at 3:15 PM, Suchith Anand 
>>>> <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk 
>>>> <mailto:Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk><mailto:Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Cameron,
>>>> It would be great to have an OSGeo badge created for  GeoAmbassodor 
>>>> role which is for both educators/teachers and students. The main 
>>>> criteria for this is work done to promote Open Principles in 
>>>> GeoEducation in any capacity (this can be organising courses, 
>>>> training programs, attending FOSS4G workshops, helping organise 
>>>> local FOSS events, sharing GeoForAll ideas through emails, 
>>>> networks, giving OSGeo Live DVDs USBs for expanding education etc). 
>>>> Once badges are created, i can invite all interested to add thier 
>>>> profiles and add the badges.
>>>> It is also important that there is low barriers to entry for 
>>>> GeoAmbassodors. Students are our biggest GeoAmbassadors. The work 
>>>> they are doing spreading our ideas for Open Principles in Education 
>>>> is amazing. In the last two years i have been asking digital 
>>>> natives that i meet how they came across open platforms and tools 
>>>> like QGIS. I was expecting most of them to get the info through 
>>>> university, teachers etc. But to my surprise the majority found the 
>>>> information by themselves (searching the internet) and others 
>>>> mostly from thier peers. Hence i am fully confident that the days 
>>>> of properitery GIS vendors trying to control geoeducation are over.
>>>> Just last week when i was in Kenya, i was invited by the students 
>>>>  directly to deliver an open lecture on Open Geospatial Science at 
>>>> thier university. These students are bypassing all traditional 
>>>> hierarchies. The irony is that just last year one of the 
>>>> properitery GIS vendors gave some free licences to the same 
>>>> university but the students and staff are too smart  :-)  These 
>>>> students  are thousand times more smarter and intelligent than me 
>>>> and i am impressed by thier thinking and abilities . They are also 
>>>> so much connected to the global developments and have lot of the 
>>>> strong alumni networks that connect them internationally. So we 
>>>> want to make sure all these students are all welcomed as our 
>>>> GeoAmbassodors.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Suchith
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com><mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>>
>>>> Sent: 04 November 2016 6:56 PM
>>>> To: Anand Suchith; discuss at lists.osgeo.org 
>>>> <mailto:discuss at lists.osgeo.org><mailto:discuss at lists.osgeo.org>; 
>>>> geoforall at lists.osgeo.org 
>>>> <mailto:geoforall at lists.osgeo.org><mailto:geoforall at lists.osgeo.org>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Geo4All] GeoAmbassador / OSGeo Advocate – Teacher badge?
>>>> Hi Suchith,
>>>> As I've noticed a couple of GeoAmbassadors not being listed in the 
>>>> OSGeo Advocate page, I suspect that these people are not aware of 
>>>> the Advocate page. As part of your process of introducing people to 
>>>> GeoAmbassadors, I suggest that you invite them to write up a 
>>>> personal profile for themselves on the OSGeo Advocate page.
>>>> When we created OSGeo Advocates, we created OSGeo roles [1] which 
>>>> people could assign to themselves, but I notice that we don't have 
>>>> a badge for "Teacher", "Educator" or similar.
>>>> Would people like an OSGeo badge created for a Teacher role?
>>>> If so, what term should we use? Is "OSGeo Teacher" suitably 
>>>> descriptive?
>>>> What criteria should we use to describe a teacher? (See link below 
>>>> for example criteria)
>>>> a. A teacher within an official University or School?
>>>> b. Someone who has run an OSGeo based Workshop?
>>>> c. Someone who has presented at a conference or similar on OSGeo 
>>>> topics?
>>>> d. Someone who has told their workmates about OSGeo after attending 
>>>> FOSS4G
>>>> [1] 
>>>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Advocate#Understanding_OSGeo_roles
>>>> On 4/11/2016 6:43 PM, Suchith Anand wrote:
>>>> Thanks Cameron. This concept was build up from your excellent ideas 
>>>> and discussions back in 2012 though we started this initiative 
>>>> specifically for those contributing in widening geoeducation 
>>>> opportunities in some form by supporting Open Principles in 
>>>> Education. Everyone who is working to expand geoeducation 
>>>> opportunities for all is a GeoAmbassodor and in fact, now lot of 
>>>> students have volunteered themselves as our GeoAmbassodors. Through 
>>>> the GeoAmbassodor of the month column in our newsletters, we want 
>>>> to highlight and thank one of them every month. Anyone is welcome 
>>>> to nominate thier choice for the  GeoAmbassodor of the month. Just 
>>>> make sure you confirm with the nominee that they are happy to be 
>>>> nominated and then email Nikos or myself thier details and 
>>>> contributions by the 24th of each month.
>>>> All GeoAmbassodors are all invited to join OSGeo-Advocate and have 
>>>> thier details published.
>>>> I am also welcoming all GeoMentors to be TrueMentors and start 
>>>> supporting Open Principles in Education. Just share GeoForAll ideas 
>>>> with everyone and you are a True GeoMentor and true ambassador of 
>>>> Geography. So easy [😊]
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Suchith
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com><mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>><mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
>>>> Sent: 03 November 2016 7:34 PM
>>>> To: Anand Suchith; discuss at lists.osgeo.org 
>>>> <mailto:discuss at lists.osgeo.org><mailto:discuss at lists.osgeo.org><mailto:discuss at lists.osgeo.org>; 
>>>> geoforall at lists.osgeo.org 
>>>> <mailto:geoforall at lists.osgeo.org><mailto:geoforall at lists.osgeo.org><mailto:geoforall at lists.osgeo.org>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Geo4All] GeoAmbassador of the month – Victoria Rautenbach
>>>> Hi Suchith,
>>>> It is great to see Geo Ambassador's getting called our and 
>>>> recognised for their good work.
>>>> I suggest inviting them to join the OSGeo-Advocates page [1]
>>>> A Geo Ambassador concept was originally discussed in 2012 [1], and 
>>>> after discussion about what criteria should be used to select 
>>>> Ambassadors, the concept of OSGeo Advocate was created and then put 
>>>> into practice. (We decided that anyone who wished to stand up and 
>>>> champion OSGeo could self nominate themselves as an Advocate. We 
>>>> additionally provided the facility to show badges such as "Charter 
>>>> Member" to show the experience of each member, which would help 
>>>> conference organisors to select appropriate presenters).
>>>> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Advocate
>>>> [2] 
>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail//discuss/2012-April/thread.html#10267
>>>> On 3/11/2016 11:33 PM, Suchith Anand wrote:
>>>> Dear colleagues,
>>>> It is my great pleasure to introduce Victoria Rautenbach from the 
>>>> Centre of Geoinformation Science (CGIS) at the University of 
>>>> Pretoria (UP) in South Africa. as our GeoAmbassador . It is even 
>>>> more great pleasure to have another GeoAmbassodor Dr. Serena 
>>>> Coetzee (the GeoForAll chair of Africa and who all of our 
>>>> colleagues will already know) who nominated Victoria for us. I have 
>>>> been always amazed and inspired by the work that Serena and 
>>>> colleagues have been doing in South Africa. I first met Serena at 
>>>> ICC Dresden in 2013 where she also presented her ideas at the ICA 
>>>> Commission meeting of Open Source Geospatial Technologies . I have 
>>>> not yet got the opportunity to meet Victoria but I am aware of her 
>>>> great work and contributions to Open Principles in Geo Education. I 
>>>> want to thank Serena for introducing to us a great colleague as our 
>>>> GeoAmbassodor of the month and sending us all the details of her 
>>>> excellent work and contributions.
>>>> Victoria is an enthusiastic contributor to open source / open data 
>>>> / open education work at University of Pretoria. She uses open 
>>>> source software, such as QGIS, GeoServer and PostGIS, in the 
>>>> modules that she teaches and is the first port of call for open 
>>>> source software support for students. She engages students in open 
>>>> data events and has arranged a number of events to introduce 
>>>> geoinformatics to school children. More details of her excellent 
>>>> work at 
>>>> http://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org/2016/11/geoambassador-of-the-month-victoria-rautenbach/
>>>> More details will be published at our newsletter later this month 
>>>> at http://www.geoforall.org/newsletters/
>>>> GeoForAll is a worldwide movement that provides immediate benefit 
>>>> to the world. We aim to create openness in Geo Education for 
>>>> developing creative and open minds in students which is critical 
>>>> for building open innovation and contributes to building up Open 
>>>> Knowledge for the benefit of the whole society and for our future 
>>>> generations.
>>>> I am truly inspired to understand more about the amazing work done 
>>>> by Victoria and colleagues at the University of Pretoria. We are 
>>>> proud to honour Victoria as our GeoAmbassodor and we are extremely 
>>>> grateful for her contributions to Geo for All.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Suchith
>>>> Dr. Suchith Anand
>>>> http://www.geoforall.org/
>>>> http://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org
>>>> GeoForAll - Building and expanding Open Geospatial Science
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>>>> GeoForAll mailing list
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>>>> --
>>>> Cameron Shorter
>>>> M +61 419 142 254
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>>>> Cameron Shorter
>>>> M +61 419 142 254
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>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> GeoForAll mailing list
>>>> GeoForAll at lists.osgeo.org 
>>>> <mailto:GeoForAll at lists.osgeo.org><mailto:GeoForAll at lists.osgeo.org>
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>> -- 
>> Cameron Shorter
>> M +61 419 142 254

Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254

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