[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo and Open Data?

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at metaspatial.net
Mon Oct 17 04:08:30 PDT 2016

Hey Jachym,
maybe that was a misunderstanding. Yes, OSGeo focuses on software but we
also have an official geodata committee (sometimes called Public
Geodata, sometimes Open Geodata):

It is not active currently but there have been some activities like
signing an Open Letter regarding the INSPIRE Directive and signing an
amicus  brief for an open data court case in California (2012):

OSGeo supports and partners with OpenStreetMap in several events, some
local chapters support both organizations (like FOSSGIS e.V. in Germany,
currently discussing whether to also become an official OSMF local

So yes, some things have been going on but less actively and maybe more
on a reactive basis. Kind of: If somebody approaches OSGeo with a good
cause we are happy to support it.

And Open Data is always a topic on FOSS4G conferences.


On 17.10.2016 11:37, Jachym Cepicky wrote:
> Hi Sanghee,
> I was told some months ago (and I believe, it was Jeff), that we
> (OSGeo.org) are solely software foundation - therefore we do not care
> about open data
> maybe things have changed?
> J
> po 17. 10. 2016 v 5:08 odesílatel Sanghee Shin <shshin at gaia3d.com
> <mailto:shshin at gaia3d.com>> napsal:
>     Dear all,
>     Can anybody share presentation file about the OSGeo and open data,
>     if any? I’m invited to give a keynote talk at ‘Open Data in Action
>     Conference’[1] in Korea and I don’t want to make the file from the
>     scratch.
>     FYI, OSGeo Korea[2], R Korea[3], Open Data Institute(ODI) Seoul[4],
>     Open Knowledge(OK) Korea[5] will co-host the event on 15th Nov near
>     Seoul. The main theme of the conference is ‘Experiment on Open Data
>     based Society.’ Anybody who has similar interest can join this
>     conference.
>     Kind regards,
>     신상희
>     [1]http://event.r-kor.org/
>     [2]http://www.osgeo.kr/
>     [3]http://r-kor.org/
>     [4]http://seoul.theodi.org/
>     [5]http://okfn.kr/
>     ---
>     Shin, Sanghee
>     Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company
>     http://www.gaia3d.com
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