[OSGeo-Discuss] [Election 2016] Board nomination for Vasile Craciunescu

Dirk Frigne dirk.frigne at geosparc.com
Wed Sep 14 02:46:18 PDT 2016

I want to second the the nomination of Vasile.
I had the opportunity to work with him in the board for the last 8
months and I appreciate his commitments.


On 2016-09-13 22:38, Jorge Sanz wrote:
> Forwarding Vasile Crăciunescu's nomination for the Board of Directors by
> Gérald Fenoy.
> All the best
> --
> Jorge Sanz
> CRO 2016
> ---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
> De: "Fenoy Gerald" <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
> <mailto:gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>>
> Fecha: 13 sept. 2016 15:55
> Asunto: Board nomination for Vasile Craciunescu
> Para: "Vasile Craciunescu" <cro at osgeo.org <mailto:cro at osgeo.org>>
> Cc:
>     Dear Cro,
>     please find bellow the nomination for Vasile for this year election
>     of OSGeo Board of Director.
>     I would like to nominate Vasile Craciunescu for this year election.
>     Vasile is a researcher at Romanian National Meteorological
>     Administration, he is organizing conferences and workshops using the
>     OSGeo technology and is a convinced and convincing FOSS4G promoter.
>     He is very active in the Romanian community, he is one of the
>     founder of the OSGeo romanian local chapter and always bring many
>     members to the FOSS4G, to both local and international editions.
>     Vasile was one of the pioneer, with Jachym, of the FoSS4G-Europe
>     conferences after he had organized the second edition the FOSS4G-CEE
>     in his country in Bucharest. He has taken responsibilities in many
>     technical tasks for the board to accomplish his task and to
>     facilitate the work of every board members. He has a good experience
>     in working and leading research projects, he is the Romanian
>     representative in Copernicus User Forum (the European Earth
>     observation programme) and the representative of Meteo Romania at OGC.
>     Vasile has proven his dedication to OSGeo over the year and, by
>     competing again, he is proving, one more time, his dedication to the
>     foundation.
>     Vasile is a community leader and as such should be part of the Board
>     of Director.
>     All the best,
>     Gérald Fenoy
>     http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Djay
>     <http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Djay>
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Yours sincerely,

ir. Dirk Frigne
CEO @geosparc

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