[OSGeo-Discuss] [Elections 2016] Update on Board of Directors voting

Jorge Sanz jsanz at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 30 02:44:08 PDT 2016

Hi all, a quick update on elections.

So far 122 of 312 charter members have successfully voted, there are 4
uncompleted surveys so the vote was not recorded for some reason. The
voting is totally anonymous so I have no way to know who are they
unless everyone votes of course :-)

If you wrote me about any issue with your vote and you haven't heard
from me please try to contact me again using my personal e-mail
(xurxosanz at gmail.com). You have no idea how much SPAM and normal mails
the CRO account receives and maybe I missed someone U_U

I'll send a reminder this weekend for the members that have not voted yet.

Please take some time to participate on these important elections.

Have a nice weekend!!

Jorge Sanz

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