[OSGeo-Discuss] board elections: campaign week?

Jorge Sanz jsanz at osgeo.org
Sat Sep 10 10:11:54 PDT 2016

Hi Gert-Jan thanks for the reminder :-)

Candidates are encouraged to start, as you say, campaigning anytime. I
already mentioned on the nominations announce that'd be great to see
candidates sharing their ideas for their term on this list.

I'm open to allow an extra week between nominations and voting, or
extending the voting for two weeks, if there's positive feedback about this
idea and our Board does not see any good reason to not delay a week the

All the best
Jorge Sanz

Sent from my phone, excuse my brevity.

El 10 sept. 2016 18:43, "Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl" <
gert-jan at osgeo.nl> escribió:

> Hi all (and especially our elections organizer)
> Reading the schedule for the board elections I was wondering if there is a
> "campaign week" foreseen.
> By 20 September the final list of nominees (until now: 5 for 4 seats) will
> be announced, and the elections start immediately after that.
> I'd rather see a week or so to be used have a lively discussion with the
> candidates on what we (voters ,candidates, others) regard as important
> items & actions for the OSGeo foundations in general, and role of the Board
> in particular.
> Kind regards from a registered voter,
> Gert-Jan
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