[OSGeo-Discuss] [Election 2016] Board nomination for Vasile Craciunescu

Codrina Maria Ilie codrina at geo-spatial.org
Tue Sep 20 01:41:41 PDT 2016

Dear OSGeo community,

I strongly support Vasile's nomination.

I've known and worked with Vasile for several years now.
Needless to say that apart from his technical and scientific relevant 
skills, his positive energy is beyond limits. Even in times of 
tiredness, he keeps a kind, unbiased eye and year, sharing his 
well-thought-out views with responsibility and politeness.
I think OSGeo would greatly benefit from a second term seen through by 


On 14/09/16 20:22, Andrea Ross wrote:
> +1, so many good things have been rightfully said about Vasile. I agree
> and support 100% for what it's worth.
> Andrea
> On 14/09/16 05:46, Dirk Frigne wrote:
>> I want to second the the nomination of Vasile.
>> I had the opportunity to work with him in the board for the last 8
>> months and I appreciate his commitments.
>> Dirk
>> On 2016-09-13 22:38, Jorge Sanz wrote:
>>> Forwarding Vasile Crăciunescu's nomination for the Board of Directors by
>>> Gérald Fenoy.
>>> All the best
>>> --
>>> Jorge Sanz
>>> CRO 2016
>>> ---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
>>> De: "Fenoy Gerald" <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
>>> <mailto:gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>>
>>> Fecha: 13 sept. 2016 15:55
>>> Asunto: Board nomination for Vasile Craciunescu
>>> Para: "Vasile Craciunescu" <cro at osgeo.org <mailto:cro at osgeo.org>>
>>> Cc:
>>>      Dear Cro,
>>>      please find bellow the nomination for Vasile for this year election
>>>      of OSGeo Board of Director.
>>>      I would like to nominate Vasile Craciunescu for this year election.
>>>      Vasile is a researcher at Romanian National Meteorological
>>>      Administration, he is organizing conferences and workshops using
>>> the
>>>      OSGeo technology and is a convinced and convincing FOSS4G promoter.
>>>      He is very active in the Romanian community, he is one of the
>>>      founder of the OSGeo romanian local chapter and always bring many
>>>      members to the FOSS4G, to both local and international editions.
>>>      Vasile was one of the pioneer, with Jachym, of the FoSS4G-Europe
>>>      conferences after he had organized the second edition the
>>>      in his country in Bucharest. He has taken responsibilities in many
>>>      technical tasks for the board to accomplish his task and to
>>>      facilitate the work of every board members. He has a good
>>> experience
>>>      in working and leading research projects, he is the Romanian
>>>      representative in Copernicus User Forum (the European Earth
>>>      observation programme) and the representative of Meteo Romania
>>> at OGC.
>>>      Vasile has proven his dedication to OSGeo over the year and, by
>>>      competing again, he is proving, one more time, his dedication to
>>> the
>>>      foundation.
>>>      Vasile is a community leader and as such should be part of the
>>> Board
>>>      of Director.
>>>      All the best,
>>>      Gérald Fenoy
>>>      http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Djay
>>>      <http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Djay>
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