[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo website/rebranding July Update

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Wed Aug 2 06:54:48 PDT 2017

On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 11:22:37PM -0500, Vicky Vergara wrote:
> Hi Jody
> Of course, but a lesson first so ....
> I signed to the OSGeo Website code sprint in Boston, unfortunately I wont
> be in person, but IRC (or if someone has skype to use video can make it
> easier)

Speaking of which, it would be nice to add some free places in the
"find us" section at the bottom-right corner of those pages, right
now listing facebook, linkedin and twitter accounts.

How about adding a link to the Matrix room #osgeo:matrix.org for
a start ? http://matrix.to/#/#osgeo:matrix.org

Even better to also have presence on one node in the so-called
"fediverse" (Mastodon, GNUSocial, Diaspora and friends...) but
that requires more than just a link...


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