[OSGeo-Discuss] Non-precise framing can hurt the community
Marc Vloemans
marcvloemans1 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 17:09:10 PDT 2017
Dear all,
I am not, I repeat not, in any mood to be trolled! Certainly not by people who I have not seen on the discuss list during a process that has taken more than 8 months preparing. It show an utter disrespect that may be common in certain circles, but not acceptable in ours.
I have in various mails to the list given honest answers to a host of questions, on items that have been already clear to most for a long time. And stating that it is 'LocationTech's turn' to respond....? Is absolutely ludicrous, given the information you already have received from me and others plus is publicly available.
LocationTech is interested in a respectful conversation without the innuendos. A single person is severely hindering a MoU-process between two siblings of the same parents.
Could others please step up to the plate? People who have been with OSGeo long enough.
Kind regards,
Marc Vloemans
Op 18 aug. 2017 om 17:57 heeft Helmut Kudrnovsky <hellik at web.de> het volgende geschreven:
>> Please keep asking questions.
> I think I've asked questions:
>> Will locationtech also promote OSGeo projects?
> ?
> it's locationtech's turn to answer. collaboration has something to do with reciprocity!
>> Who will decide which project or other org will be promoted?
> ?
>> Why not promote projects from any other org?
> ?
>> What is the added value for OSGeo to promote locationtech projects?
> ?
> I've not seen any answer on this questions yet.
> Kind regards
> Helmut
> Gesendet: Freitag, 18. August 2017 um 23:42 Uhr
> Von: "Jeffrey Johnson" <ortelius at gmail.com>
> An: "Helmut Kudrnovsky" <hellik at web.de>, "Marc Vloemans" <marcvloemans1 at gmail.com>, hmitaso at ncsu.edu, raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
> Cc: "OSGeo Discussions" <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>, "Sandro Santilli" <strk at kbt.io>
> Betreff: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Non-precise framing can hurt the community
> Please keep asking questions. It's healthy and how we (try to) arrive at consensus.
> On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 17:13 Helmut Kudrnovsky <hellik at web.de[mailto:hellik at web.de]> wrote:Dear Venka, Dear Helena, Dear Marc, Dear OSGeo Community,
> I'm some kind of surprised about the reactions and long threads about my question yesterday.
> Just back from a long walk along a nice alpine river where I had time to contemplate about it. Therefore it will be a personal and some kind of philosophical note.
> In my personal, cultural and scientific background I was educated that asking questions isn't anything bad.
> * Asking questions regarding things I'm interested in, to learn more about it ...
> * Asking questions regarding things I'm interested in, I'm involved, and where I have some kind of responsibility, to take care that it evolves in a sustainable way ...
> citing [1]:
> "The third category is Charter Member. Individuals in this category have the same rights as the above Member category, but with two important differences. Firstly, individuals in this category are not self-selected, but rather must be voted into this category by the other Charter Members. Secondly, individuals in this category have the right to vote in elections for other Charter Members, and for Board Members.
> These two factors are intended to maintain the integrity of the Foundation election processes -- and by extension the integrity of the Foundation itself. We use the term "Charter" Member to explicitly indicate that these members are responsible for upholding the "charter" of the Foundation."
> As I'm honoured to be elected an OSGeo charter member, this is a high motivation for me to volunteer e.g. this year as OSGeo GSoC admin, to have fun within the GRASS community and to promote OSGeo and free and open source GIS whenever I have a chance to do so... and from time to time it encourages me to ask questions about OSGeo's evolution. So here we are now ...
> Community and communication .... both have the same latin word stem: communis.
> I like OSGeo's do-ocracy :-) ... but also I think it's now time to rephrase the open source mantra to "communicate often, communicate early" :-) ... that OSGeo is able to evolve in a sustainable way!
> Kind regards
> Helmut
> [1] http://www.osgeo.org/Membership[http://www.osgeo.org/Membership]
> Gesendet: Freitag, 18. August 2017 um 21:15 Uhr
> Von: "Marc Vloemans" <marcvloemans1 at gmail.com[mailto:marcvloemans1 at gmail.com]>
> An: "Sandro Santilli" <strk at kbt.io[mailto:strk at kbt.io]>
> Cc: "Helmut Kudrnovsky" <hellik at web.de[mailto:hellik at web.de]>, "OSGeo Discussions" <discuss at lists.osgeo.org[mailto:discuss at lists.osgeo.org]>
> Betreff: Re: Non-precise framing can hurt the community
> @Helmut et all,
> Thanks for another opportunity to give the community more insights in what LocationTech (the Eclipse Industry Working Group for spatially aware software) entails and how it relates to OSGeo!
> We help co-develop and co-promote OSGeo projects in general (including GPL-projects!) through
> - sponsoring codesprints (e.g. Here in Boston tomorrow) and
> - co-organising events (e.g. codesprints and Foss4g North Amerika)
> Kind regards,
> Marc Vloemans
>> Op 18 aug. 2017 om 12:53 heeft Marc Vloemans <marcvloemans1 at gmail.com[mailto:marcvloemans1 at gmail.com]> het volgende geschreven:
>> Dear Sandro,
>> We (Eclipse Foundation -LocationTech) are 'not against it' ! I repeat; not against........did I mention 'not'?
>> GPL is approved by OSI, just like the EPL. We are on the same team. The word 'against' suggests we are at odds with each other over this. Which we are not, never have been and never will be.
>> Our members (businesses, academia, NGO's) work with/on projects that incorporate various licenses. Individual choices depend on 'the right tools for the job'. Developers work on projects and in communities that encompass a wide spectrum of licenses.
>> End-users (the ones that fund so many of open spatial projects) determine and decide which tools will suit their purposes. And they love our community's versatility to meet their demands. Thus furthering the overall success of open spatial IT in the world.
>> The present full spectrum of projects provides a compelling, comprehensive storyline as is demonstrated by an increasing number of implementations. Worldwide, across industry verticals, profits, non-profits, etc etc.
>> Hope this clarifies and let's together move forward!
>> Kind regards,
>> Marc Vloemans
>>>> Op 18 aug. 2017 om 11:25 heeft Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io[mailto:strk at kbt.io]> het volgende geschreven:
>>>> On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 09:19:52PM +0200, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:
>>>> Will locationtech also promote OSGeo projects?
>>> This is an interesting question, especially as LocationTech is
>>> against GPL-licensed projects (like GRASS, QGIS, PostGIS)
>>> --strk;
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