[OSGeo-Discuss] "Hostile Takeover" -- what do we mean by this?

Sara Safavi sara at sarasafavi.com
Mon Aug 28 09:41:54 PDT 2017

Hi discuss,

In the notification emails from CRO to new charter member nominees, the
following is included (emphasis mine):

*"(Charter Members) have the following responsibilities: (1) annually vote
for OSGeo Board Members; (2) annually vote for new OSGeo Charter Members
and (3) be aware of and protect against a hostile takeover of OSGeo."*

I have had more than one nominee of mine contact me asking what exactly
this means. I agree with their concerns: this is strange language to use,
is not reflected in our bylaws, and frankly does not fit the image I
presented when I first contacted them asking if they would accept a

It may be a language barrier or simply a misunderstanding, but can we
clarify what is meant by using this kind of verbiage, and consider a

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