[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: OSGeo Charter Member nomination for Rémi Cresson

Vasile Craciunescu vasile at geo-spatial.org
Mon Aug 28 17:11:39 PDT 2017

Forwarding Rémi Cresson nomination by Gérald Fenoy. The 2017 member 
nominations list will be updated ASAP [1].

Best regards,
Vasile & Jeff
2017 OSGeo Elections CROs

[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_Member_Nominations_2017

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: OSGeo Charter Member nomination for Rémi Cresson
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 12:57:17 +0200
From: Fenoy Gerald <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>
To: OSGeo CRO <cro at osgeo.org>
CC: Rémi Cresson <remi.cresson at teledetection.fr>

Dear CRO,
I would like that your forward the following nomination to the 
OSGeo-Discuss list.

Dear all,
I would like to nominate Rémi Cresson for OSGeo Charter Membership.

Rémi works at IRSTEA (french National Research Institute of Science and 
Technology for Environment and Agriculture) and is involved in various 
Open Source projects and provide his inputs on many mailing lists. He is 
an active member of the OrfeoToolBox PSC and accessorily, he has a 
ZOO-Project developper account. In his activities, he has proven many 
his value as a developper or to provide his vision on how to handle an 
Open Source project properly.

He has attended many time the OTB Hack Fest over the year and also 
FOSS4G. He is actively promoting use of Open Source in his research 
center and abroad.
I am sure that Rémi will be a great addition to our Charter Member list.

Best regards,


Best regards CRO,

Gérald Fenoy

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