[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Nomination of Bastian Drees from TIB as OSGeo charter member

Vasile Craciunescu vasile at geo-spatial.org
Thu Aug 31 08:08:07 PDT 2017

Forwarding Bastian Drees nomination by Astrid Emde. The 2017 member 
nominations list will be updated ASAP [1].

Best regards,
Vasile & Jeff
2017 OSGeo Elections CROs

[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_Member_Nominations_2017

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Nomination of Bastian Drees from TIB as OSGeo charter member
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 22:47:52 +0200
From: Astrid Emde (OSGeo) <astrid_emde at osgeo.org>
To: cro at osgeo.org


I would like to nominate Bastian Drees [1].

Bastian organizes the publishing of our conference recordings at TIB AV 
Portal [2]. These are recordings from FOSS4G [4], FOSSGIS [5], FROSCON 
[6] and other conferences and for example the GRASS video from 1987 
spoken by William Shatner [7].

Bastian cares for the long term availability of OSGeo material, 
especially videos such as conference recordings but also research data 
or proceedings:
- works on improving the discoverability and visibility of those 
materials and wants to make them citable and interlinkable
- helps developing necessary infrastructures for these purposes based on 
the needs of the OSGeo community [3]
- gives advice on publishing under open access licenses
- works together with the organizing committees of different FOSS4G and 
FOSSGIS conferences on publishing conference recordings in the AV-Portal 
of TIB
- helps us with our ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) [8].

Read the article "404: Video not found – The TIB AV-Portal stops 
scientific videos from disappearing" [9]
Read articles in Bastians blog about favorite highlights [10] & an 
interview with Till Adams after FOSS4G 2016 [10].

See a talk from Bastian about "OSGeo Konferenzaufzeichnungen im TIB 
AV-Portal" at FOSSGIS 2017 [12]. He finished his talk with the words 
based loosely on William Shatner[13]:

"So don’t keep your scientific videos, your simulations, your 
animations, your
video tutorials and conference recordings rolled up in your private homepage
or stuffed into commercial platforms. Keep it in the TIB AV-Portal!"

Would be great to have him in the team as OSGeo Charter Member.


[1] Bastian Drees @ OSGeo https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Bastian
[2] TIB AV Portal https://av.tib.eu/
[3] Information about TIB @ OSGeo https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/TIB
[4] Recordings from FOSS4G 
[5] Recordings from FOSSGIS 
[6] Recordings from FROSCON 
[7] GRASS Video from 1987 https://av.tib.eu/media/12963
[8] about ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) 
[10] Blog 
[11] “The AV-Portal enables us to preserve ‘for eternity’ conference 
videos for our community free of charge” – an interview with Till Adams 
[12] Talk about TIB AV Portal at FOSSGIS 2017 "OSGeo 
Konferenzaufzeichnungen im TIB AV-Portal" (german) 
[13] Quotation based loosely on William Shatner 

Astrid Emde
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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