[OSGeo-Discuss] Save the date: Milano, March 11: Community maps of Earth, Sea, and Sky in Fa’ la Cosa Giusta

Andrea Giacomelli pibinko at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 23:15:41 PST 2017

[apologies for future cross-postings for ppgis list readers, if my message
gets moderated positively]

...all detailed on the page:


Thank you for your attention, and best regards

Andrea Giacomelli
http://www <http://www.pibinko.org/>.pibinko.org <http://www.pibinko.org/>
info at pibinko.org
+39 331 7539228 <+39%20331%20753%209228>
P. IVA: 01582480537
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