[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: David Hastings has passed away

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 09:35:53 PST 2017

That is sad news Jeff, is it appropriate to make a blog post expressing our
condolences and highlighting his contributions that you mention :(

Jody Garnett

On 14 November 2017 at 05:40, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>

> Very sad news indeed.  Even if you never got to meet David, you were all
> affected: he was a huge part of the first FOSS4G event in Bangkok in 2004,
> where Markus, Venka and myself spent so much time with him, talking,
> sharing, which gave us strength for the next steps in creating a global
> FOSS4G event.  David owes much credit and respect from our global community
> for his tireless vision.  David spent much time in all parts of Asia
> sharing his passion.  My thoughts to his family.  Very sad.  -jeff
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Dear All,
> I am very sorry to convey this sad news on this list.
> A dear friend and an early pioneer of the GRASS team,
> David Hastings passed away in the Hospital in Colorado
> on Monday 13 November as 11.25am.
> David was a member of the GRASS-GIS Interagency Steering
> Committee (GIASC) since 1987. I think he was a member till he passed
> away, since  GIASC was never formally disbanded.
> Besides his several other accomplishments, David is also an author of the
> Linux " GRASS HOWTO" [1].
> David was diagnosed with a serious illness in May, 2016 and could
> not recover.
> Thanks David for your contributions to GRASS, RIP.
> Venka
> [1] http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/GIS-GRASS/
> --------
> Prof. Venkatesh Raghavan
> Osaka City University, Japan
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