[OSGeo-Discuss] Greetings from GeoForAll to the International Science Council

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Sun Nov 19 01:33:45 PST 2017

Dear  colleagues,

It was really great opportunity that I could represent GeoForAll for the ICSU - CODATA workshop on Science and the Digital revolution at Royal Society (13-15th Nov) in  London. This workshop came at a very important moment in the history of ICSU as just last month (October 25-26, 2017) , members of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Social Science Council (ISSC) gathered for a Joint Meeting to vote on the proposed merger of the two organisations where members voted overwhelmingly (ICSU 97.6%, ISSC 90%) to merge and form the  International Science Council  [1]  in 2018.  From now, International Council for Science  will be the premier voice of Science worldwide. The International Council for Science (ICSU) is a non-governmental organisation with a global membership of national scientific bodies (122 Members, representing 142 countries) and International Scientific Unions (31 Members).

On behalf of GeoForAll, I have send our greetings and best wishes to all our scientists colleagues globally for this happy development on the new the International Science Council . We look forward to work with all our  colleagues globally for Open Principles in Science and Education for creating a  better world for everyone.

Best wishes,


[1] https://www.icsu.org

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