[OSGeo-Discuss] GeoAmbassador – Barend Köbben

Paulo van Breugel p.vanbreugel at gmail.com
Sun Feb 4 06:33:58 PST 2018

Way to go Barend, congratulations!

On 2/3/18 1:17 PM, Suchith Anand wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> On behalf of the GeoForAll community, it is my great pleasure to 
> honour Barend Köbbenas our GeoAmbassador. Barend holds an MSc in 
> Geography, specialising in Cartography, from Utrecht University in The 
> Netherlands. Heworked for 9 years as a Lecturer in cartography at that 
> university and then moved to the International Institute for 
> Geo-Information Sciences and Earth Observation (ITC) in 1997. The ITC 
> is an international school providing courses on GIS and Remote Sensing 
> to students from all around the world, ranging from short courses, 
> through 18 month MSc degree courses, as well as a PhD programmes. 
> Since 1 January 2010, ITC is a Faculty of the University of Twente. 
> Barend is at present Senior Lecturer in GIS and cartographic 
> visualisation in the Department of Geo-Information Processing (GIP).
> Histeaching subjects include Cartographic Theory, WebCartography and 
> WebGIS, Geo-webservices, web application building and 3D 
> visualization. Outside ITC, Barend isinvolved in teaching short 
> courses and workshops in Open Source GIS & WebMapping, promoting the 
> use of the Open Source geospatial applications and data.  The 
> Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies of the International 
> Cartographic Association (ICA) organised a series of short courses and 
> workshops on Open Source GIS & Webmapping, for which they at ITC have 
> developed course materials and provide teaching staff and 
> resources.These are mostly hands-on practical workshops, intended to 
> introduce the possibilities of using Open Source applications for GIS 
> and webmapping to people who are interested in this technology, but 
> that do not yet have much experience in the actual practical use of 
> OSGeo applications.
> Barend used a set of exercises that guide the participants in setting 
> up a webmapping site using OpenStreetMap data, adding their own data 
> using the desktop QGIS application, serving that data as a Web Map 
> Service using Geoserver and/or Mapserver, and finally bringing it all 
> together on a interactive “slippy map” website using OpenLayers. 
> Barend is using in general the free and open source GIS and webmapping 
> applications from the OSGeo LiveDVD. Barend teach and have taught 
> these workshops and courses in many forms: From very short (2 hours) 
> to long (2/3 weeks), either face-to-face or using Distance Learning 
> technology.
> *Some examples of the Past courses & workshops that he contributed 
> include: *
> *
> *
> ·Hands-on Open Source GIS & WebMapping for UN staff 
> <http://kartoweb.itc.nl/kobben/SOMAP-OSGEO-workshop/>-- 24 & 25 
> November 2014 -- Vienna (Austria) -- 2-day workshop organized 
> especially for members of staff of United Nations (UN) bodies and 
> entities.
> ·Hands-on Workshop Cartography in a Web World 
> <http://kartoweb.itc.nl/kobben/visualisation-hands-on/>-- 3 October 
> 2013 -- Amsterdam (Netherlands) -- Intro to OpenStreetmap, OpenLayers 
> and CartoDB
> ·EuroSDR EduServ11 <http://www.eurosdr.net/eduserv11/>Open Standards & 
> Open Source WebMapping 
> <http://www.eurosdr.net/eduserv11/><http://eurosdr.net/>-- 8-19 April 
> 2013 -- On-line course (organised by 3rd party)
> Concepts and tools for Spatial Data Visualization 
> <http://kartoweb.itc.nl/kobben/SENSE-PhD-day/>-- 13 December 2012 -- 
> Amsterdam (Netherlands) -- Intro to OpenStreetmap, OpenLayers and CartoDB
> ·Hands-on Workshop Open Source GIS & WebMapping for UN staff 
> <http://kartoweb.itc.nl/kobben/SOMAP-OSGEO-workshop/> -- 20 & 21 
> November 2012 -- Vienna (Austria)
> ·EuroSDR EduServ10 <http://www.eurosdr.net/eduserv10/index.htm>Open 
> Standards & Open Source WebMapping 
> <http://www.eurosdr.net/eduserv10/index.htm> -- 7-18 May 2012 -- 
> On-line course (organised by 3rd party)
> ·Workshop Open Source GIS & WebCartography 
> <http://kartoweb.itc.nl/kobben/AGILE-OSGEO-workshop/> -- 24 April 2012 
> -- Avignon (France)
> ·Walk-in Workshop Open Source GIS & WebCartography 
> <http://kartoweb.itc.nl/kobben/ICA-OSGEO-workshop/> -- 5th, 6th & 7th 
> July -- Paris (France)
> · You can also kobben at itc.nl <mailto:kobben at itc.nl> to request a 
> course to be organised for your organization.
> Barend participate in the research activities of the departmental 
> Research Theme STAMP (Spatio–Temporal Analytics, Maps and Processing).
> His main research interests are:
> - Automated mapping in a services environment, with middleware 
> services and Open Web clients (using the D3 library).
> - Animated vector map services, using among others the RIMapper WMS 
> Open Source platform that he developed.
> - The SDIlight concept. The term SDI for Spatial Data Infrastructure 
> may be usually connected with (very) large regional or national 
> spatial data warehouses, but the principles of SDI can also be applied 
> in more simple and cost–effective ways. The down–to–earth approach of 
> SDIlight provides students and researchers with a platform for 
> relatively simple, low–cost, yet powerful ways of sharing data amongst 
> various distributed offices and institutions as well as the general 
> public. To achieve this, he used open standards whenever available and 
> open source solutions where possible.Barend have been involved in 
> various consultancy projects in The Netherlands, India, Iran, Italy, 
> Malaysia, Namibia, South Africa, Thailand and Zambia.
> Barend isMap Editor and member of the Editorial Board of Geografie 
> (Journal of KNAG - Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 
> ISSN 0926-3837); Charter Member of the Open Source Geospatial 
> Foundation; Member and Publications Chair of the ICA Commission on 
> Open Source Geospatial Technologies.
> We are proud to honour Barend Köbben as our GeoAmbassodor and we are 
> extremely grateful for his contributions to GeoForAll and for his 
> selfless contributions for expanding geoeducation opportunities for all.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith Anand
> GeoForAll
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